Chapter 33 Recovering

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"Guys, I think she's waking up!"

"Not so loud, do you want to scare her?"

"Also, don't give Madam Pomfrey an excuse to make us leave. She's been watching us suspiciously ever since we got here."

Amaris cracked open an eye, squinting at the light. Above her she could make out the blurred, yet recognisable outlines of Kim and Matt. Amaris went to smile but the right side of her face didn't move and she became aware that it was aching.

"We're happy to see you too," Matt said, "but try not to rip your stitches or Madam Pomfry might kill us."

Amaris freed her hand from the bed sheets and felt the dressing covering the entirety of her cheek. She frowned, "Stitches?"

"Wounds caused by werewolves can't be fixed by magic," Kim said.

"So they had to use the muggle way of fixing gashes." Matt said, "So it will take a while to heal."

Amaris moved her hand up to brush the hair out of her face. She sat bolt upright. She blinked a few times to make sure. Her hand was in front of her eye but she couldn't see it.

"Amaris, relax," Kim soothed, "Lie back down."

"But, I," Amaris stammered, "I can't see."

"It's all right, you burst a blood vessel in your eye, it will heal and your vision will clear." Kim said, pushing Amaris back on the bed.

Amaris reluctantly complied, trying to identify any other part of her that was broken. She realised the side of her ribs burned and she instinctively looked down, though she was covered by the sheets. 

Following her gaze, Matt said, "Just some more claw marks magic can't heal, nothing serious. You were far worse when we found you."

Amaris looked up at the ceiling, "What happened?"

"We could ask you the same thing," Steffan said. He was sitting in a chair, nearer the foot of the bed, his weight forward over his elbows resting on his knees. He looked tired. His eyes met Amaris but the rest of him didn't move, "Why didn't you meet us?"

Amaris didn't know how to answer, she wasn't sure what her reason had been. It certainly hadn't been worth risking her life for. "I-I was- I wasn't supposed to be out so late." Not being able to hold Steffan's gaze, Amaris turned back to the others, "The last thing I remember was leaving the Whomping Willow."

"That's where we found you," Matt said, he seemed slightly haunted, "amongst all the chaos and bleeding out on the ground. We managed to get the potion down you but it didn't help much and Pachua was trying and failing to restrain you."

"Pachua? Where is he?" Amaris asked.

"He's with Hagrid, Madam Pomfrey didn't want him staying here."

"Amayway, then Professor Snape woke up and you all got brought up here to the infirmary," Matt continued, "Madam Pomfry has been looking after you, with some help from Professor Lupin."

Amaris furrowed her brow. From the light coming in through the windows, Amaris could tell that it was still morning. She wouldn't have thought Lupin would have been in any state to do any helping yet. 

Suddenly, Madam Pomfrey appeared as if summoned. "Ah, you're finally awake," she said, ushering Kim and Matt away, "You had everyone worried for a while there, especially these three. They've been cluttering up the place with books and getting in my way for days."

Amaris sat up, "Days? How long have I been out?"

"6 days," the nurse said, as she rummaged through the drawers next to Amaris' bed. Then, she straightened up to see Amaris' shocked expression. "Not everything can be fixed overnight," she said, "or at all. Count yourself lucky that you did wake up, considering the state you were in. Especially, given our limited understanding of this and its effects on you."

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