chapter twelve

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I'm outside. Wya?

Iris replied that she was on her way, but that wasn't really the case.

She had overslept. Of course, she had overslept.

Iris wasn't a morning person and was frantically dressing up while responding to Adi's text.

It was a hiking trip, so Iris tried her hardest to dress appropriately. Seeing as she wasn't someone that exercised much, Iris didn't really have a lot of exercise clothes, but she pulled something together, regardless.

With one quick glance over at herself in the mirror, Iris grabbed her water bottle and headed out of her room.

To Iris' surprise, Korra was already up and was lying on the living room couch watching some cooking show on Netflix.

"Um, hey?" Iris said once she noticed her, "why are you awake?"

"Couldn't sleep," Korra mumbled, her eyes still fixed on the show before her, "you should come watch this show with me. They make cool stuff out of cake."

"I'd love to, but I'm going hiking," Iris responded, pulling her trainers on. Her phone was buzzing violently in her hand, and she knew without a doubt that it was Adi, probably wondering where the hell she was.

Korra finally looked away from the television screen, fixing her eyes on Iris instead.

"Oh, you're really going on the hiking trip? You know, it's not too late to turn back."

"Okay Korra, I'll see you later," Iris replied, grabbing her keys and heading out of the apartment. She didn't want to delve too much into what Korra had said, for fear that she might actually end up backing out of the hiking trip.

Iris' next task was to locate Adi's car outside. That didn't take very long because as soon as she stepped outside, she was greeted by the sound of a loud honk coming from a dark red car.

Iris rolled her eyes but headed towards Adi's car. It was a really sleek shade of red. Iris knew little about cars, but she did know that there was no way in hell she could afford a car like that.

"You're late," was the first thing Adi said the moment Iris opened the door to the passenger seat of the car.

"Do you know this is a residential area? It's also really fucking early and rude of you to honk like that."

"I have been waiting here for almost 20 minutes. Do you have a problem abiding by time?" Adi said, completely ignoring her.

"Sorry, your highness. I'll try to be better," Iris responded, turning to face Adi with the most sarcastic expression she could muster on her face.

Adi laughed, but it was devoid of amusement. She had an expression of disbelief on her face, but she stepped on her accelerator and began driving off.

A bout of guilt shot through Iris. She knew Adi was completely right. They had agreed on a time to meet. Iris was even the one that had proposed the meeting time. But yet, she was the one that was late.

Iris knew she should probably apologize, and she probably would have if Adi hadn't been so rude to her. Well, at least that was what she told herself.

For the next few moments, neither of the girls said anything to each other.

This was when realization dawned on Iris that Adi was someone she hardly even knew, and had only had negative encounters with. Yet, for some reason, she had thought it would be a good idea to bring her along on this hiking trip.

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