chapter forty-seven

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Adi wasn't in her apartment. Iris was pretty sure of that. She had stayed knocking on her door till one of Adi's neighbors came out of their apartment to tell Iris to fuck off.

Iris was on the bus, headed to the next location. She didn't know why, but she was certain she would find Adi here.

Iris was anxious throughout the bus ride, and her palms were growing increasingly sweaty.

The bus finally came to Iris' stop, and she got off. The cold air hit her harshly, but Iris didn't let her stop her. She was a girl on a mission, and nothing could stop her.

It took around ten minutes before Iris arrived at the scene. A feeling of nostalgia passed over her as she looked at it. It looked different from how it had when Adi brought her here a few months ago. For starters, it was no longer summer, so most of the grass had turned a pale yellow color, and patches of melting snow covered the grass from when it had snowed a couple of days ago.

Iris began climbing up the hill. It didn't take long before she began feeling the burn in her thighs. The last time she had come here, Adi had carried her up the hill. Iris huffed, feeling sweat gathering on her forehead despite the cold weather.

A part of Iris wondered what she would do if Adi wasn't even there. She would have come all that way for nothing. She would have climbed the hill for nothing. It was bizarre that Iris was so sure that she would find Adi here. She wasn't sure why, but there was a certainty within her. Adi could literally be in class, or the gym, or literally anywhere. Yet, Iris felt this unwavering certainty, and she let it be her drive as she continued her journey up the hill.

By the time Iris finally arrived at the top, she was sweating profusely. Each time she breathed deeply, her throat felt dry and was screaming out to her. Iris regretted not bringing a bottle of water with her.

For a few moments, Iris didn't see Adi, and fear overtook her. Had she made this journey in vain after all? But then, almost like a miracle, Iris made out the familiar mane of red curly hair.

Adi was lying in the grass, with her eyes closed and one leg crossed over the other. It took Iris a few steps toward the red-haired girl to realize that Adi had earphones plugged in, and didn't hear her when she came up the hill.

For a few moments, Iris just stood there, looking down at the girl lying below her. Adi was dressed in a turtleneck shirt with a graphic tee pulled over. She had on blue jeans and a puffer jacket to keep her warm.

Her expression was one of solace. She looked at peace; she looked so calm. For a few moments, Iris considered leaving. She considered just running away before Adi woke up.

But right then, Adi's soft eyes fluttered open, revealing an expression of surprise.

"Iris?" Adi asked. She sat up suddenly, pulling herself to her feet.

"Adi." Iris breathed out, as that was the only word her mouth could form.

"What are you doing here?" Adi was standing in front of Iris, looking at her with her soft eyes. "Is everything okay?"

Iris felt herself getting lost in Adi's eyes, but forced herself to refocus. She nodded her head.

"I'm here for you. I-I need to talk to you."

Adi said nothing, and it took Iris a few moments longer to realize that Adi was waiting for her to talk. She blanked then, panic instantly overcoming her.

She had so much to say. She had rehearsed it in her head all the way here, but now it seemed everything had flown out of her head, and her tongue lost the ability to form words.

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