Chapter 3

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Shen Yuan sighed as he got out of the bus, carrying bags of grocery with him, a little bit too heavy for his slim arms. At least they weren't just filled with instant and microwavable foods, that was a start. He had tried cooking, he wasn't good at it by any means, but at least it was giving him something to do.

He had been trying to find a new job, as he couldn't just rely on his parent's money to survive. Apparently, his last shitty job thought that someone being unconscious for many weeks was enough to lay them off. He guesses it was fair, as it couldn't be said when he would wake up, but still. The only positive of that was that in the past three weeks, it had taken his mind off of his "other life" for a little while.

He had somehow hoped to wake up the next day to being back in Luo Binghe arms, but of course, reality wouldn't be this nice to him. And this world didn't have any magic and trick that could help him bring him back either. It was hard to swallow, but he had to accept he would now simply be Shen Yuan, an introvert in his mid-twenties trying to find a job.

At least he had his sister around, as she came more often to check on him, just in case. He somewhat also suspected that she was being worried about his attitude, maybe he seemed like he had given up on life too much, despite it not being true. He did have a thought that really dying this time might bring him back, but then stopped himself from thinking that rather quickly. How could he be sure he would be sent back to Proud Immortal Demon Way by the System when he died? He would rather cherish the memories than just fail in his attempt.

When he got back to his apartment he sighed again, knowing he would be alone yet again in the small space. Maybe he could suggest to his sister to come live with him? Though he only had one room, maybe this wasn't a good idea. He pushed this idea to the side of his mind, taking note that he would look into it later.

When he was finally in he placed the bags on the floor, bending over to take off his shoes, when he suddenly froze. Was it a sound coming from his room he just heard? When he heard some more, he frowned, moving as quietly as possible. For sure, someone was inside his room, it was too clear to be from his neighbours, who were not very likely to be home in the middle of the day.

There had been a pause in the noises, as if the other person was checking for more sounds from his side, most likely not expecting for someone to be coming in. After a while he still heard some noise, as if he had been cleared of suspicion.

He grabbed one of the first things his hands could touch in the living room, which ended up being a cushion. Granted it wasn't the most efficient weapon, but the kitchen was too close to his room to try that first. He had grabbed unconsciously his fan, even though it's weak frame wouldn't do much against a robber. It was a habit taken from fighting with it all these years.

He was slowly going for his room, unsure where this bravery came from when he should probably just be calling the cop. They would probably not be there on time to save him he vaguely told himself.

Then, the door suddenly opened, startling him so bad that he jumped back, using his cushion as a shield, his fan pointed vaguely towards the door like a sword. Yet, despite expecting something to go at him, it didn't happen. He instead felt like the other person was staring at him.

He finally looked back in front of him, only to freeze, his eyes growing wide behind his glasses. This had to be a hallucination from his desire, mixed with some lack of sleep.

"Binghe?" he called weakly, still not believing it, taking off his glasses a moment to rub his eyes. Yet, when he put them back on, the man was still standing there.

On the other side, Binghe was staring at the man that had entered what he assumed was his Shizun home. He looked nothing like the man he knew. This man was smaller, wore a strange face accessory in front of his eyes and didn't seemed very strong. Yet, the way his eyes had recognised him immediately was strange, calling out to him as if they were familiar with one another.

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