Chapter 4

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The next day had been... interesting. Binghe had gotten rather quickly that Shen Yuan didn't want to talk more about what had happened, at least for now, so he decided not to bring it up. No, instead he was being firmed about making them food once they woke up.

Shen Yuan had tried to stop him, only managing to squeeze between him and the counter, smiling at him still a bit tired. "These do not work the same way it does at home, This Shizun wouldn't want for Binghe to hurt himself," he said. A little burn would probably not be much for Binghe, they both had been through worst. He also assumed he still had his quick healing abilities, since the demon mark was still sitting between his brows. Shen Yuan would still rather not have his husband hurt himself as he was trying to cook him breakfast with equipment he never used before.

He had shown him first how the oven and the stove worked, Binghe confused as to how it could cook something when there was no fire to do it. He was in no way a specialist in how electricity was made. He had learned how it worked, a little, but explaining it? It wasn't easy, especially since Binghe wouldn't stop believe it was some kind of magic. How was one supposed to explain something like this when the other party never even heard of what electricity was?

"You know that when metal is hot it gets red?" he ended up asking, showing the stove burner who was getting red. Binghe nodded, looking at the red circle while hugging Shen Yuan waist tighter to secure him from it. "Well, this is because the electricity, which is like lightning, goes through it, making it hot enough to cook in a similar way to fire" he added. He wasn't a chef, but he suspected than some food was better cooked on actual fire, but this would do for now.

The Demon Lord seemed to think about it slightly, "So the trapped lightning is heating the food?". Shen Yuan wanted to laugh at his way to put it, but it was most likely close enough for now. He went to gently pat the head of his husband who was still glued to his back. "Exactly, the trapped lightning is heating the food, no magic involved".

"But wouldn't the lightning hurt you" slightly frowned Binghe. Shen Yuan gently patted the arm around him, trying to reassure him. "No, they are made so the electricity cannot touch us" he added. He seriously doubted his stove was badly made and ready to electrocute him.

Once that was finally resolved, there was the problem of the refrigerator, which was using the same electricity, but to do the exact opposite. He tried explaining that the "lightning" wasn't suddenly cold, but was rather activating a mechanism to keep it cold. After a little while, Binghe nodded, saying he understood, despite clearly still not being sure about it. Well, maybe he would get it after some time.

Of course, when finally came the time to try and make some breakfast, the Demon Lord wouldn't let him to it either. He wanted to help, as he was still unsure he would do good on the first try but ended up giving up. The thought of finally tasting Binghe food was too much.

He helped to find what could be done, as he was still not the best equipped either. He apparently had what was needed for egg pancakes, so Binghe decided to do just that, leaving Shen Yuan to hover around him to make sure he would be alright. Even the tea had apparently been taken over by Luo Binghe, rendering the human useless for now. Well, he supposed it always had been like that, it just felt a little weird right now.

Once they were finally sat down, Luo Binghe looked unsatisfied with his cooking, although it was still greater than what he could do himself. Even more when the Demon Lord wasn't familiar with the electric stove, he did a good job. "I am sorry, this disciple didn't manage to do as good as he usually does".

Shen Yuan expression softens, a little chuckle escaping him. Of course, his husband would worry about this. "This is the best food I've had in the last weeks" he pointed out before taking another bite, "This is perfect for this Shizun". It was enough to make the other man all happy again, eating his own breakfast after the praise.

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