Episode 2

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It was the longest night. Longer than all the nights I ever had in my entire life. Even collectively, all those nights would be nothing in front of it.

There were many questions in my mind but I had answers to none.

Why did he do this to me? Was he always greedy for my money? Did he purposely added something in the water that day and took me somewhere far away? All his promises were a lie? And most importantly.

Did he actually never loved me?

Not even for a second? Not even for a moment?

When I was head over heels for him, he was just acting to love me? He was using me to get the money?

Now when I look back, I found his behavior weird many times. Now I understand how irritated he was by my love.

He must've made fun of me a lot of times in his heart. And now, I am embarrassed for myself and embarrassed for loving a guy like him.

I went against my parents, my norms and even this society and this is what he did to me? Left me in between of nowhere.

It's the money he wants right? Then I should give it to him.

I gave my heart and my soul to him, then why not the money? And what will I do with the money anyway when I can't even buy love and sincerity with it?

I stood up from my place and picked up the papers from the floor.

Picking up the pen, I did my signatures on all the papers with a shaky hand.

This is what you want Jeon Jungkook? Money? Let me give you all.... Let me give you all so that you may understand

What you got and what you lost.

In the morning:

Jungkook's pov:

I came out of my room and made my way towards the basement.

I know she must've not done the signatures. Because first, it would be hard for her to accept the truth. Well I understand.

And second, if she would've understood the truth, then she would absolutely never do the signatures. She's the stubborn kind.

I remember how I planned to kidnap her to get her signatures over the property documents. But I never got the need to do that. She fought with her father regarding my matter and when he didn't agree for us to be together, she herself planned the run away.

She is definitely something.

I entered the room and found the papers on the floor, where she on the other hand, was just staring blankly at somewhere, sitting at a corner.

I picked up the papers and took a slight glance of it. I couldn't believe my eyes.
She did the signatures. She freaking did it!

Now no need to worry for the electricity bills, no need to do three jobs at a time and no need to worry for food and clothes.

It's a jackpot!!!!

I was still shocked but happy at the same time, when I suddenly heard her.

"Can I go now?", she said in a low voice more like a whisper.

I made my way towards her and bent down to her level. I was about to caress her hair when she suddenly jerked my hand off.

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