Episode 10

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Taehyung's pov:

I have locked myself in my room for more than a week now.

She's going? It was hard to accept.

I needed her all the time but this time I needed her the real most. I thought we could run away together. I thought we could live a life together but now what?

I can't even convince her as the matter involves her father. I can't stop her. Can I? I can't be selfish!

But the reality is also that I can't live without her and I don't have anyone except for her.

I need to confess to her. Yes! Before she leaves, I need to tell her about my feelings. She is not materialistic and she doesn't care about my wealth or complicated circumstances.

I know you'll love me back.

Y/N's pov:

I was working in the cafe when I suddenly heard a ting.

It must be taehyung! I opened the message but my smile got dropped as I saw Jimin's name.

He promised me to keep me updated about my parents but didn't contact much after that.


Jimin: Sorry for not being able to contact earlier. Actually I am with your parents right now, over there. Your father is about to be discharged in a few days. He often talks about you and tell me how much he misses you. I hope we can all be together like the former times again, once we get back.❤️

I read his message and sighed out loud. I also want to meet my parents now and live a happy family life.

Sometimes I feel that they were not controlling. They just cared a bit too much about me and I was the one who took it the wrong way. I rebelled and gave them nothing but pain and agony, which they never deserved.

Shrugging my thoughts, I went to serve the coffee over the table. The lady sitting on the table softly smiled at me and I smiled back.

Just then, I felt a hand grabbing mine softly.

I looked back at the person and it was taehyung.

"I need to say something y/n.", he said in a rush.

"I'm still busy taehyun.....", I couldn't complete as he suddenly started dragging me with him out of the cafe.I silently followed him not resisting at all.

Reaching out of the cafe, he instantly let go off my hand.

He looked away for a while and I was just staring at him nonchalantly.

Taking a deep breath, he finally turned back at me.

"Y/n..... We talked that day in the park and you said that you are leaving.....", He said and I nodded my head, gesturing him to continue his words.

"That day I wanted to tell you something but was not able to say it after what you confessed and suggested.", He said and I furrowed my eyes as I sign of confusion.

"I.... I wanted to tell you that

I love you y/n.", he said in a nervous tone.

My eyes seemed to come out of the socket. I was unable to process his words for a while.

"I know it might be sudden for you. But it's not for me y/n. I loved you the day my eyes first fell on you, the day I found you unconscious and that too all alone. I loved you more when I heard you first. And I loved you most when I came to know about your beautiful heart and soul.", he said and my eyes widen more at his ethereal words.

"Y/n I didn't want to rush things but the situation is different now as you're leaving for your house. I know that I can't stop you, neither will I, but I still wanted to tell you my feelings.", he said with an angelic smile.

"Taehyung I....", he instantly put a finger on my lips.

"No need to hurry. I'm leaving for now and giving you sometime to think. We can meet at the park today 6PM. Just tell me your answer there. And remember! Even if it's a no then we can just undo this day like it never happened and always be friends like we are.", he said lastly with a bright smile, before leaving.

I was statued at my place not knowing what to do. Now this was unexpected!

Closing the cafe earlier than usual, I made my way towards the park.

I thought the whole time about it and now I know my answer.

It's a no. I can't accept his love and there are more than a few reasons for that.

I am about to go back to my parents and I cannot rebel against them again, like I did in past. Although he's not like Jungkook but my parents will never agree to it and I'm sure of that.

If I'll give him a brim of hope then I'm sure he would never go back to his family and would try to live his life with me. And I can't separate him from his own family. Only me leaving him with no hope can get him back to his family.

He's so good and nice and that's another problem. He's too good for me. A person like him deserves way better than me.

I have no doubt about his true feelings towards me but because of all these reasons there's no chance for me to say a yes to him

I'm early and there's still half an hour till the clock strikes six.

Walking to one of the benches, I was about to sit when somebody harshly grabbed my arm and pulled me towards oneself.

My whole body jolted up my the sudden act of misbehaviour.

I looked up at the person who was holding my arm harshly.


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