Chapter 12

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"So baby is fine, but you need to be on bedrest for the next few days. I'll write up your prescription really quick and get back with you, in the meantime hang out here until I get back." The doctor told me. I was weirdly relieved to know the baby was fine. Snook was right there by my side while the doctor told me everything. I appreciated that. His phone started to ring and he picked it up. I couldn't help but eavesdrop.

"Yo." He said quietly. "What? Right now?" He glanced over at me. "Give me—aight I'm on the way." He started to get up.

"Where you goin?"

"I gotta handle some business, when the cops ask who did it just say you don't know. And you drove yourself here aight?"

I nodded my head and agreed. Snook left and I was alone now. I was scared to be here by myself. A few moments later a uniformed officer walked in with a notepad and approached me. "Miss Wilkins right?"
I nodded my head in silence, averting my gaze from him. "I have a few questions for you, but I understand you're a minor? Is your mom or dad around?"

"No, they aren't." I replied quickly.

"Well how did you get here?"

"I drove myself."

"I see, do you have your parents' contact info?" He could sense something was off with me.

"I lost my phone in the struggle, it's probably back at my house." I informed him.

"Well the hospital can't let you leave without a guardian. But in the meantime I have a couple of questions—"

"Imani?!" My stepmom appeared in the doorway of my hospital door first all frantic, then my dad and Ivy behind her. "We came as soon as the neighbors told us what happened! What the hell are you—" She stopped midsentence when she noticed the cop. "What are you doing fighting?"

"Our house was getting egged so I went outside and it escalated—"

"Why would anyone egg our house?" My dad asked in confusion.

"Can we please just go now and talk about it in the car?" I begged, trying to get out of this hospital and away from all the questions.

My dad stepped forward to speak to me "No we need to see what the doctor says first then we can—"
Just then the doctor walks in. Fuck fuck fuck. I hope he plays it cool.

"Mom and dad I presume?" He asked politely. My dad eagerly nodded. "Good news is she will be fine, she just needs to be on bedrest for a few days to ensure her pregnancy doesn't become at risk. I have her prescriptions filled out and ready to go, but I need your—"

"Her what?" My dad said in shock. My step mother covered her mouth and Ivy just scoffed.

"Her pregnancy. Your daughter is 8 weeks pregnant."

No one said anything, it just stayed quiet. Everyone's gaze was fixed on me, expecting me to say something in response. But I had nothing to say. I was just gonna brace myself for impact now. My father spoke first after clenching his jaw, "What is it you need from me?" He asked the doctor.

The doctor was visibly uncomfortable from the awkward situation but tried to remain professional. "Yes, I need her proof of insurance—" After that I just started to tune out. I kept my head down as a tear slid down my face. Why did this have to happen to me? I just want my life to go back to how it was before that party, when everything was normal. It was hard back then, but nothing is harder than this. I jut feel so embarrassed and scared. I'm scared of what's gonna happen to me and my baby. I'm scared about how my parents are gonna react and what they will do to me. I can't do this on my own.

I'm afraid to tell my parents what really happened. I don't think they will believe me anyways. I'm gonna be out on the street with nobody to help me take care of this baby, and worst of all, the man who raped me is still out there and could possibly be the father. This shit is so twisted.

Snook POV

Snook POV

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"We gotta make a move, we can't let that shit slide

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"We gotta make a move, we can't let that shit slide." My nigga Rome told me. He was absolutely right.
We was all tryna figure out how we was gone address this situation. Coop house got shot up by some KTF niggas a few hours ago. He wasn't there but his momma and lil brother were. His lil brother got hit by a stray, but Coop called me and said he was gone be okay. That shit makes my blood boil. What kind of pussy ass nigga goes and shoots up somebody momma house?

"I say if that's how they wanna get down then we keep the same fuckin energy!" Cato interrupted angrily. After that everyone started talking over each tother and shit.

"Nah nah nah, that's not how we operate. We gotta keep our code. We not finna be killing nobodies mommas aight?! We finna hit these niggas directly as soon as we get the drop on they ass!" I spoke up. When I spoke, they listened to me. And I knew my Uncle Dom saw that, just like I did. I had a feeling this whole time he wasn't saying shit to see what I would do, and after he started talking and agreeing with me, I guess I passed the test.

"We not letting shit slide, that's for certain, but like Snook said, we gotta code to follow. Ain't shit pussy about the brotherhood, we not like them KTF niggas." Dom said, siding with me.

Imani POV

No one said anything to me the whole ride. That was the most confusing part. My dad didn't even glance at me. I wish I knew what he was thinking. I got up the next morning when my step mother said her and Ivy was taking me to school. I couldn't believe I actually had to go to school after what I had just been through. But not wanting to cause any trouble, I just did what she said.

This car ride was silent too. I gazed out the window and became instantly disoriented realizing this wasn't the way to my school. I was too scared to speak or ask why we were going a different way. A few moments later she pulled onto the side of the road at an exit, and parked the car. "Everybody get out of the car." She said firmly.

"Why?" I finally asked, quietly.

"Just get out." She said again.
Me and Ivy did what she said. As I closed my car door Ivy jumped back in the vehicle and my stepmom instantly locked the door. My heart started to thump ferociously as I pulled on the door handle over and over in total shock. They couldn't be doing this to me?
"Your father never wants to see you again. You've embarrassed this family for the last time, Imani."
The words were like a knife twisted in my heart. My own father was abandoning me just like my mother had.

The car immediately sped off, leaving me in the dust and taking everything I thought I had.

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16 & pregnant by a thug Where stories live. Discover now