Part 3

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Yunho grabbed Jiyu's both shoulders shook her a bit in a angry voice !

Yunho - what the fuck do you think of yourself huh , why did you hurt her !

Jiyu couldn't handle it anymore as her streamed down to her face and not even daring to utter a single word !

Wooyoung - we are waiting there and why are you shouting yunh... Ho... 👀 What's going one here !

ATEEZ members were waiting as Yunho and Wonyoung was still not there , They also heard Yunho shouting as if he's scolding someone , so they all rushed towards the living room  !

Yunho - Guys ! Jiyu Slapped Wonyoung !
All together - What !
Wooyoung - yaah !!! Park Jiyu ! Why did you do that ..( he screamed loudly and stepped forward to hit Jiyu but Yeosang made a tight grip on him to stop him !

They all looked at Wonyoung who was crying so hard ( ofc it fake , duh )

San and Mingi - You ok Wonyoung !!

You were crying too but no one noticed , they don't want to notice even if they heard you sobbing hard !
Seonghwa - Why did you slapped  her !

Jiyu - I...I ... Didn't do.. that ... ( Sobbing continuously)

Jongho- Stfu , you think we are blind , if you didn't slapped her that what's that mark of four fingers on her cheek ?

Hongjoong - I can't believe that you did this !

They all hugged Wonyoung to calm her down and started leaving the room while glaring at you ... Yeosang stopped and looked at you with sadness in his eyes and you looked at him with hope in your eyes ...

Wooyoung- C'mon Yeosang, let's go ! No need to show her MERCY !

Yeosang looked down and left you alone !

You started crying even more hard as before ,

Jiyu - Why , just why is she doing this with me !

Time skips
1 week later

Author's pov

These 7 days were like a hell for you , you got another room which is far from your dorm and living room ,

Not even a single member came to help you as the room was dirty when you first came in , It's even so small as compared to your earlier one , You cleaned it and shifted your things by yourself !
That room first felt like a jail but now you are a little comfortable as only these four walls are your friend now !

In the practice, room they treat you as you are invisible , They don't call you for breakfast, lunch or dinner as now they think they don't need you anymore , they have Wonyoung !

You eat alone and sometimes starve yourself cuz you don't want to eat !

Today is the day when you guys are going to record your new song for the comeback next month , Song was already recorded but bcuz Wonyoung is now here so you huys had to record it again !

Eden ( producer) gave you all the line distribution list ,  you took a look and all you can see is that you all part are now Wonyoung's part leaving only 1 or 2 lines for you !

They all went inside the recording room one by one ...

2n last was Wonyoung and last was you , she stood up and went inside with a slight of of smirked appeared on her face ..

Eden - You ready ?
Wonyoung - Ready .

She sang with so much attitude making you feel a little cringe but for others, she's nightingale!

Wooyoung - Her voice is so beautiful just like her !

Mingi - I love her so much !

At this point , you looked at MINGI with tears in your eyes but somehow managed to not cry !

Eden - well done Wonyoung !
Wonyoung - thank you so much !

Now it's your turn , You went inside and ready to sing but ...
You saw , ATEEZ members were leaving already  ...

You felt numb , extremely numb as you started feeling a fear , fear of loosing them , fear of them leaving you forever like or one day might can come when they will seriously leave you forever ..

At this moment you don't know what to say and what to do , Eden was continuously calling your name , telling you to sing but it's of no use , now you are numb and lone ...

You ran from there and locked you self in washroom ..

Yoy are not crying but the pain of this fear is worst than those painful tears !!
You were shaking and looking here and there as if you want someone to embrace you , someone who can give you his shoulder to cry on , but all you can do right now is hold on !

Next day ,
You all were working on your new choreo , whenever you had any doubt , Wooyoung and Yunho always helped you out but now they are ignoring to do that so ,
You are managing to clear it by yourself ..
You are a professional dancer so ofc it's not that hard for you ..

They were ignoring you like you don't even exist which is actually aching your heart but you decide to not show it ...

Here comes the Bitch , Wonyoung saw you dancing beautiful which she envy always ...
She pushed you harshly without anyone noticing her ,

You fell down ! But you ankle was  extremely paining !

Wonyoung - Oops ! I'm so sorry Jiyu I didn't mean that ...

Mingi - You Don't need say sorry to hear , it was an accident ..

Wooyoung - She tripped bcuz of her clumsy nature ( annoyed)

You slightly moaned in pain but they were just standing there , thinking that you are doing this on purpose to get their attention ..

Yunho - Oh c'mon , it's not paining as much as you are screaming (annoyed)

Wonyoung - I didn't know that you are so dramatic Jiyu !! C'mon guys , gym time !

Again they all left you alone with caring about you ..

That's it ! You thought

You called your Manager for help while crying , You tried but couldn't move your ankle , it's paining so fucking much !

Soon manager cald doctor as well as other members who didn't want to give a shit about you !

Doctor - I'm afraid that she won't be able to dance for atleast 2 weeks ! She has a crack in her ankle !

That's it ! You can bear anything but "leaving dancing" is your worst nightmare !

Wonyoung was standing beside you as she the only one who cares about you in this whole universe !

Anger took over you and you somehow managed to stood up and punch Wonyoung right on her face ! She fell on the ground as well as you !

Jiyu - You , just because you ! You did this on purpose right !! Say it !

Now ATEEZ members are mad as hell on you !
( Why not , You punched the the most beautiful , loving, caring humun existing on this Earth )

They were about to react back but you started crying hard while holding your ankle .. not bcuz of the pain but bcuz you know , your life is going to change after this !

To be continued ~

"I guess I went too far on Jiyu ! 👀 But trust me , The Idea in my mind are in full mood to make a masterpiece ... I'm working hard so if you like this part , Hit the star button down below and follow for more.. see ya 😸".

THEY REPLACED ME FOR HER ! [ATEEZ FF]Where stories live. Discover now