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Cursed.. Guardians are cursed.

'Kylo.' I whispered in my mind, searching for any trace there is.

'Kylo.' But no one is answering.

I know I became a guardian because something changed, someone was taken away. My wolf is nowhere. Though I can still feel the power never leaving me, I cannot reach him. Maybe, this is my curse.

Guardians lose someone. Her, and then, Kylo. It feels like I will lose anyone near me. That is why I left my pack. I trust Kai with the Alpha title. And as I've heard, his son now holds the title due to his father's retirement.

I wanted to see my old pack with the hope to see how it used to be. But years passed by and I remain. Time stopped for me. What more for her who lived for thousands of years? Everything will come and go, and I will stand watching as the people I know turns to dust.


My eyes feel heavy and I........*Footsteps*

Twigs snapping.

A howl turned into growl.

The footsteps turned to thousands.



They stood on two feet, much larger than a wolf. Claws and canines are much sharper. One by one they came out of the shadows. Their eyes reflect nothing but bloodlust and the... blood moon.

The big red moon shine in a dark night. Just above the cliff, a shadow cast upon the thousand... monsters. It was a person. A body fell down as that person's hand drips with blood. It drips and drip, until it fell to the body... bodies lying underneath the cliff.

The last body has their eyes glowing, barely alive as it begs for help. Reaching out. But then, the wolves growl and barked at it. And in a second, they jumped at that person and then, the packs of wolves feasted on those bodies.

The person was crying for help. But the wolves swarmed on them and there is only blood.

A smile. The person from the cliff stood staring at the blood moon.

Who is it?

Suddenly, I had the urge to know. My sight is moving towards them. Who is this person?Then, they turned to me. Looking over the shoulder, I caught a glimpse of the red glowing eyes. Their lips moved saying something. I couldn't hear their words. But I can clearly see it.


don't belong here."

My eyes shut open, immediately seeing Dela. Her emerald eyes were glowing.

"Nightmare again?." She said as she stepped back, eyes returned to normal. My head aches.

"Well, you have to bear that headache. I had to pull you out before you start screaming."

Pull me out?

"A little magic trick, perks of a guardian. Not quite effective on a guardian so bear with it for a while."

What is with all this nightmares? At first, I was unable to sleep for years. Then, about a few months ago, it was a repeated nightmare of a dark room. Then, this. Whenever I doze off, these strange nightmares welcome me. I don't remember seeing those things in the past. I don't think, I have ever been into those places. But it was familiar.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"I..." The images are fading away "I don't... remember."

"Dreams and nightmares are tricky. I was hoping to help you with something. That's alright for now, I suppose. But you really have to do something about it. 'Cause I can't explain to the others why it is snowing this time of year." She pulled aside the curtains and there are small traces of snow on the ground. Nothing is falling anymore but the ground is almost covered.

"Maybe, I should leave." I still couldn't get the hang of this power.

"Yeah, no. I'm not kicking you out. It's not like you can control having nightmares. But to think about it nothing is really coincidental especially for guardians. We are always a part of destiny. Your nightmares must mean something."

All I know is that everytime I awoken from them, there is this terrible loneliness, desperation on something and that I coudln't do anything about it. I am helpless. Always.

"Let's not overthink, though. Here." She pulled out an envelope. "I met one of your wolves when I was in the forest. Figured that they were looking for you. They asked me to hand it over to you."

A letter? This scent. It's a vampire's.

"It is strange seeing a wolf carrying a message of a vampire. I suppose the vampires couldn't find you. Knowing your old pack is your only connection, they must have stopped there." I often leave messages about my whereabouts in case I am needed. Although I can't make myself return, I still have a responsibility.

I took the small piece of paper. And there are brief sentences written on it.

"Fate has been woven. You who became a guardian, come to the Midnight Palace if you, too, are curious what fate has brought us. "

Duke wants to see me? Did he find an answer?

"What is it?"

"A question. Maybe an answer." I stood up. "The Guardian vampire is summoning me. Do you want to come?"

"Interesting. However, I must decline. We have a not so great history, so I must pass. I have somethings I need to do and it seems that he is only asking for you."

Right. But why now? ...

REJECTION PART 2: THE CURSED ONESWhere stories live. Discover now