𝕊nowball fight?

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Nicki ran a hand through her hair. She had packed, unpacked and repacked her quest bag a hundred times. She had this unusual feeling of dread churning in her stomach.

"Nic! Leave the damn bag alone!" Nicki sniggered, pointing a finger at Annabeth. "Don't say it."


"And she said it." Annabeth threw her hands in the air. She toppled backwards onto Nicki's bed with a groan. "I hate you all and your obsession with the word dam."

"Well, you're just jealous you were kidnapped for that quest and don't get the joke." Nicki flopped onto the bed next to her best friend.

Annabeth lazily slapped Nicki in the face with the back of her hand. "Shut up, I am not."

"Get your smelly hand off of me, Annie." The black-haired girl flipped Annabeth's hand off her face and flexed her fingers. "Gods, do you ever wash your hands?"

"Oh, I know Ms I—only—have—one—arm did not just ask that." 

"Okay, first of all, not my fault. Second of all, whatcha gonna do about it, Einstein?" Nicki reached above her head, gripping her pillow for ammunition.

Annabeth threw herself across the bed in an attempt to reach her best friend.

The girl was too fast, however, and instead, Annabeth got walloped in the face by a pillow.

Nicki squeaked in surprise, expecting to miss. Annabeth's eyes narrowed. Nicki tried to scramble away from the blonde, but it was no good. Annabeth's hands snaked under her waist and flipped her.

Nicki let out a yell as she flipped, landing with a hard 'oof' back onto the bed.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Gods save me!" Nicki'slegs flailed about like a fish out of the water as Annabeth tickled her. Her non-dead limbs were extremely sensitive. Meaning she was very susceptible to tickling.

Annabeth wheezed, dodging the girl's limbs. "Say you're sorry for calling me, Einstein."

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"  Annabeth rolled off of the girl, landing in her original position beside Nicki. Nicki panted, clutching her stomach. "I hate you."

"No, you don't." Annabeth smiled at her best friend before staring up at the ceiling. The girls fell into a comfortable silence.

For almost the first time since the war, they sat in complete silence. Nicki didn't even have her radio on.

"If we weren't demigods, what do you think we'd be doing right now?" Annabeth broke the silence. She turned her head to look at her friend, a sad shine in her eyes.

Nicki stayed silent, thinking her answer through. "Depends, am I allowed to drink in this situation?"


"What?" The girl stared back at her best friend a grin evident on her face. "It's an important question!"

"Sorry to interrupt." Nicki jumped, flying into a seated position at a guy's voice. Her vision blurred from the headrush but quickly settled on a floating image of Jason in front of her bed. "I thought you might like to know we're landing soon."

Nicki nodded, running a hand through her hair. "You frightened the life out of me."

"That's not that hard, you don't have much." The end of Annabeth's words was muffled as Nicki flung a pillow over her face.

"Excuse her, she's not trained."

Annabeth scoffed, putting the pillow behind her head.

Piper's head popped into view as she leaned back on the dragon. "I didn't know you went by Phoenix."

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