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Chapter 2 - Watch Me Dance

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I balanced a drink tray above my head, filled with empty glasses, pushing through sweaty bodies towards the bar. The night was in full swing at Vortex, dance music roaring, people yelling to be heard. It was a chaotic mess—one I was used to.

"Candy! There you are," someone screeched, barely loud enough over the noise. Kaylee rushed over, breathing hard, and slammed her tray onto the bar's edge beside mine. We stood off to the side.

"Kaylee! Hey." I tried to muster my usual level of enthusiasm, but it fell flat.

Most of the girls at Vortex didn't use aliases. They probably didn't have a whole lot to hide. Or in my case, hide from. I looked her over, taking in her rapid breathing, the light sheen of sweat on her warm brown skin. Tonight, she was sporting a deep burgundy lipstick and had straightened her coiled hair to twice it's normal length until it was sleek and shiny. As with all of us, she looked like sex on a stick. If I leaned that way, even I'd want her.

"I can't wait for tomorrow night," she gasped out, clutching her side and smiling. "Did you guys need me to bring anything?"

"Oh, shit. Right."

She must have noticed my expression. Her face fell. "Did something happen?" Taking my wrist, she pulled me away towards the hallway that led to some of the VIP rooms. It was only mildly quieter. "What's wrong?" she asked.

I considered telling her everything, but she didn't know that part of my life; it would have created too many questions. Instead, I said, "Vivi had to fly home earlier."

"Wait...what? Is everything okay?"

Over the past two years, we'd created a solid friend group. Some of them I'd made at the club, and others were Vivi's colleagues from the Walton National Museum. It was a nice balance.

"Things are fine. Cameron's engagement fell through."

"Oh, shit! What happened?"

"Shit's right," I agreed. "Not sure. I'm still waiting on the details. Apparently, Brandon lied to her about some big stuff, serious stuff. If he cheated on her, I'll fly out there myself and rip that fucker's heart out."

"Damn. So...no girls night then? Unless...you guys still want to get together, maybe go out instead of stay in?"

I chewed on my bottom lip. Normally I'd be all in for a night out. "Honestly, I might just pick up an extra shift instead."

"What?! Ewww. Come on! Let's go out. You need to let loose a bit—"

"Ladies!" a voice barked. We turned. Zach, also known as Eaden's right hand. "Less talking, more working. Candy, boss needs to see you."

Kaylee offered me a rueful smile. "Let me know if you change your mind. I'll tell the others."

I nodded, then followed Zach to the back of the club, up a set of stairs. "What's he want this time?"

"Fuck if I know."

The first time I'd met Zach, it took a single blink to see what he was. Shifter. A massive lion's head had replaced his face, the transparent overlay shimmering in my vision before I'd blinked it away. Like some of the other shifter enforcers Eaden employed, Zach kept things under control here. Vortex was filled with supernaturals. Not just staff, but patrons as well. Located in the heart of Walton, it was a popular congregation spot.

While I didn't know much about the supernatural community, being human, I knew enough. There were strict rules that governed their kind. Humans weren't supposed to know of their existence. Though plenty of humans, like myself and Vivi, knew and kept quiet about it. The last thing I wanted was some supernatural police coming after me to conveniently dispose of my body.

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