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Chapter 21 - Swimming

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We didn't linger in Vortex, not even for a drink. For a brief moment, I did consider hitting the dance floor. The memory of our bodies moving together made me forget all about what Bastian and I had said in Eaden's office. About how we weren't a thing. Made me forget how disappointed I was hearing the sentiment voiced aloud.

Instead, the idea of his body rubbing mine had liquid desire dripping into my core. But then a new thought barged in. The thought of Luke lurking in the shadows, waiting for me to appear. That desire dried right up. I kept my hand in Bastian's as he led me out of the club.

His bike was waiting; no one seemed to notice. I studied it, sitting there, unassuming. The sleek build was perfect for navigating city streets. A symbol was etched into the side, up near the handlebars. My eyes narrowed, focusing on it. I hadn't noticed it before. A circle, topped with a crescent moon, and two crossed swords. Eaden's words came rushing back. Enforcer, the symbol screamed.

I glanced at Bastian. His shoulders were back, proud. He walked with a swagger that most didn't possess. It's what I found so sexy about him.

He dropped my hand and turned, helmet appearing. He fit it over my head and gave it a little tug. Then his hands drifted down my torso, lingering, leaving a trail of heat. Another helmet appeared and he slid it over his head.

"Let's go," he said.

We climbed on the bike, and I wrapped myself around him, my mind immediately jumping ahead. We were going back to his place. He'd mentioned swimming, but I didn't have a swimsuit. Had he been kidding? Did he intend for us to skinny dip?

I squeezed my thighs against his hips; dampness pooled in my undies. Was I in over my head? Bastian should have scared me. Hell, he seemed to scare everyone else around him, except for Aramis. Eaden was a powerful shifter and even he'd gone rigid in Bastian's presence. And then there was the enforcer part; the way Eaden had said the word, dripping with hidden meaning. It lifted my hackles.

Bastian's motorcycle revved. "Hold on tight, Sugar." A second later and we were off.

I wasn't naive. I knew enough about goblins, how the fae used them for their dirty work. Bastian seemed to know everyone—or rather, everyone seemed to know Bastian. That probably wasn't a good thing. He moved like someone who was used to power, like he handled copious amounts of it.

My brow furrowed. Who was he to the fae? What kind of work did he do for them? Why had Eaden warned me to be careful?

These were the thoughts plaguing my mind for the entire trip back to Bastian's house. When it came into sight, those thoughts slipped right out, replaced with new ones. Giddy ones. Part of me hoped Bastian had forgotten his earlier words. The safe thing to do was to claim fatigue. Turn in early for the night. It was nearing 11:00pm. But I was a night owl, used to sleeping and rising late.

The garage door opened; we slowed to a stop inside. The engine died as the door closed behind us. I climbed off, handing my helmet to Bastian, shaking out my curls. He pulled his off too, and they disappeared. "Still up for a swim, Sugar?"


"Uh, yeah, sure that sounds great, actually." And it did, if I were by myself. If my stomach weren't swarming with butterflies.

"Great, I thought I'd open a bottle of wine. You game?" I snapped my mouth closed, then nodded, not trusting my voice. "Awesome, I'll just grab a couple of things then. Meet you out back?"

"Yep, sure."

He led me in and split away to the kitchen. I ducked into my room and closed the door, leaning against it, breathing. Deep breaths, in and then out. Swimming—with Bastian. I glanced down at myself. My bra and panties were adequate. Maybe I'd just swim in that.

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