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"The way we choose to live in the world creates the way we see it."

The beautiful cold city was shining so bright under the soothing sunlight. It was beautiful because it made the city warmer from last night's snow. People were bustling around on a busy schedule that they follow daily. Sometimes I wonder what it is like to be like them, not that I want to be them but just a weird thought that crosses my mind. Every one of us have thoughts that cross through our mind now and then that might sound weird to others. It would actually sound weird to us too, if we rethink about it later. But we don't. The small 'weird' thoughts we think at a moment wont reappear again in our mind later. Is it a good thing? maybe. Or not, I wouldn't know because this is probably the last time I'm thinking about it. Funny isn't it? The world itself is a funny phenomenon after all. It's actually quite amusing like the old man sitting on the table next to the one I'm sitting on. He's been looking at the black coffee sitting on the table in front of him for about 15 minutes now. Why did I not warn him that it would get cold? Or shook him awake from his thoughts? Because I was stuck inside my thoughts too.

I shook awoke from my thoughts as I realised I fell into the trap of thoughts. I turned away from the window I was looking the city through and looked over my phone screen. It's been thirty minutes since I reached here and the person I was supposed to meet hasn't arrived yet. There was a sudden bird chirp which was my phone indicating that I've got a notification from my sister. The person I'm supposed to have had met thirty minutes ago with a nice hot coffee and a chocolate stuffed croissant. I did have the coffee and the chocolate stuffed croissant. Actually I'm still having one half eaten in front of me. This is what, the fifth one? Jesus, blame her if I become diabetic soon.

The text read, "I'm there but I can't see you"

But I can. She is standing two tables in front of mine. The café isn't a huge one, it's a small one with simple but neat ambience. I enjoy coming here as I love the simplicity and the fresh green plants inside. It's like I'm getting a fresh batch of oxygen every minute, which is a bit of exaggeration but the whole room has a good aura diffused with the aroma of hot coffee.

I stayed quiet as I saw her dialling numbers on her phone, probably mine. She turned back as she could hear my loud ringtone ringing out from my phone. I gave her a sarcastic smile with a small wave, her face contorted into a realising one, as she realised that I'm annoyed by her dereliction. She gave an apologetic smile as she walked towards my table. She took a seat in front of me and looked over at the half-eaten croissant in front of me. Reaching out her hand she devoured it hurriedly and let out a contented sigh as she spoke,

"That was yum. I'm sorry for the delay Ana, I got caught up with the client who was persistent that she wanted the exact prom dress, I just sold an hour ago. How does she think that I could get her it ready by tomorrow? It took me three months to make that damn dress. I spent one million bucks on it and she wants a new one by tomorrow?", she spoke, huffing out the breath she was holding. Natalia is a fashion designer. She actually wanted to study business in her late teens, but one day, for some reason, she took fashion designing. When I asked her why, she simply replied that, something made her realise that it was not her thing. It was a bit confusing but I decided not to question her further. If that's what she wanted to do, then so be it.

"It's okay. Just tell me the reason you called me here so hurriedly."

"Right. So, dad's planned this secret and told me not to let you know but it's gonna be out for the public's ears soon and it's only fair if you come to know it first. He's retiring soon Ana." she said.
I looked at her and raised my eyebrows in a bit of surprise.
"That's surprising. Thought he'd never give up on that position till his last breath."
My father Edward Adolphine is a well know Lawyer around the country. Although he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and had every chance to become a wealthy business phenomenon by taking over his family's business, he refused to do so and started his own career in the judicial community. The family business is still running but not directly influenced upon by him. I don't know if it is luck that got him to who he is now or his hard work but he has managed to create a good name for him.
"And that's not all it," she continued. "He's planning to hand over the family business to you."
"Are you kidding me," I asked her furiously.
"And what about Asher? Is he supposed to just serve me after spending his entire life for the position when I did nothing in relevant to it,' I ran my hand through my hair in frustration as I almost screamed at her. "I don't have any answers for your frustration Ana, I knew you deserved to know because I know how much you despise the situation and how much Asher wants it. Whatever it is, I suggest, you speak to father."
"I don't understand what runs through that man's mind. Is he ready to do anything for me to give up on my passion. Does he not know how much I love doing it?", I asked her furiously.
"Calm down Ana. I told you, I've got no answers for your questions. Speak to father and be silent about it to Asher, he knows nothing 'bout it yet. Act like you don't either until it's on news." she told me seriously. I sighed and said, "Fine."

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