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{ Malkym }


"𝕴 do not understand why I am being forced to do this." Malkym slouched after his uncle, not in the mood to fight or compete in a joust. "I am not prepared-"

"Do not lie."

"I do not joust."

"Again, a lie." Ser Rickard was as tall as Malkym's father was, with the same dark hair and cold eyes. Where Kieren had gone to take over Alterwoode, Rickard had followed through on the blood oath that he swore to the crown during battle, and had stayed to become a King's Guard member. "You are a Thorne. You fight, it is your duty and your calling. Do not be lazy."

"This is a tourney for the birth of the supposed heir to the Iron Throne, and you think I should fight in it?" Malkym believed his uncle to have lost his mind. It was madness.

"Yes." Rickard nodded, turning back to his nephew, who tightened the straps on his armour, grumbling. "It is too late now, anyway. I have added your name to the list, with the king's permission. He expects you to ride."

Malkym huffed, knowing that he could not deny the king. He sulked for a moment, grabbing his helmet and stomping away from his uncle, who seemed perfectly content with Malkym dying before he could even marry as his father wished. 

But perhaps that was a good thing. Fanfare sounded, and Malkym stopped kicking the sand around his feet, looking up to the royal box, that was filled with people.

"I know many of you have travelled great leagues to be at these games. But I promise that you will not be disappointed." The king spoke across the crowds, and Malkym tilted his head at the words. If Malkym looked carefully enough, he could make out the dresses of the ladies and who each was. Most were pale colours of blues and greys. "When I look at the fine knights on these lists, I see a group without equal in our histories and this great day is made more auspicious by the news that I am happy to share. Queen Aemma has begun her labours."

The crows erupted into cheers as Malkym clapped his hands, before beginning to smile at the sight of a blood red dress that was hurrying to the front of the box. That dress could only belong to one person, and the pale hair further confirmed his thoughts. 

The Princess had come to watch.

Despite her having walked into the back of his yesterday, and his status as a common lord, Malkym had found himself intrigued by her. It was the first time that someone in King's Landing had played along with his jests, and he enjoyed that.

Donna ────── R. TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now