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{ Rhaenyra }


"𝕿he sooner we are married, the better in my opinion." Rhaenyra hissed, threading her arm through her betrothed's as they entered the tent. He hummed in agreement. "Then at least you can demand that I ride with you and not the screaming baby that is my new brother."

"He is a toddler. Toddler's scream." Malkym shook his head, before narrowing his eyes at the sight of the fussy child. "If we have children, I am sure they will be much better behaved."

"We are not having children until I am ready."

"Of course." Malkym rolled his eyes. "Who do you take me for?"

"You do not wish for me to answer that." Rhaenyra muttered, before grinning as Malkym shot her a sharp glare. "Sorry, sorry. I know that you will not."

"Thank you for your faith in me." They paused at the top of the dais, looking around for familiar faces, yet there was no one in the crowd. Rhaenyra did not believe that she had any friends here, and Rickard Thorne was outside.

"Who should we go and speak with?" Malkym asked, as the pair continued to look around, trying to find someone to talk with. "Or are you content with me?"

"My father is waving you over." Rhaenyra muttered, nodding towards the king as Malkym turned. 

"I'm sorry, my darling dragon." The nickname drew a large grin to Rhaenyra's face, though she desperately tried to hide it. "I will come back to you as soon as I can."

"Do not rush, my father likes you just as much as me."

"Do not get into too much trouble then." Malkym sent her one last soft grin, bowing his head, before disappearing to go and talk with her father as Rhaenyra continued to skulk around. It took her another few minutes before she found an interesting conversation going on between the ladies of the court. They were speaking about the Stepstones.

"It's an inhospitable place suited only for savages." Rhaenyra crept closer, her head tilted in interest as she listened.

"Perhaps the princess can give us some insight." Rhaenyra froze at having been caught, before stepping inside of the circle.

"Oh, I'm not sure how I could, I've never been to the Stepstones." She clutched onto her hands ahead of her.

"Your dear uncle is the mind behind this war, is he not?"

"I would no't know." Rhaenyra shook her head. "I have not spoken to my uncle since..."

"Since you supplanted him as heir." Her sentence was cut off and finished by the elder woman, causing Rhaenyra to stifle her annoyance. 

Donna ────── R. TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now