~Chapter 3~

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Visenya 'Harumi' Targaryen

It had hardly been a week and I was already regretting agreeing to this. 'Why can't we just fly in with our dragons and take everything over like Aegon the Conqueror did with his wives?' I thought bitterly as I watched the people of Kings Landing come and go, seeming to not mind the awful smell nor the power hungry lords that reside in the Red Keep. Westeros was not what my mother had explained to me and it was beginning to reflect negatively over everything that I thought I knew...and I had already sent so many letters back to Yi-Ti, just complaining about this whole trip. One good thing was that Westeros was now successfully a trading partner with Yi-Ti, exporting goods from all Seven Kingdoms and allowing imports to be brought in. Spices, textiles, and other goods from both kingdoms being traded and I could tell that the Westerosi were rather happy....good, get them used to this and once I take my throne, they will know that I am making their lives better. 

Wearing a pink and purple colored kimono, I held a tea tray in my hands and walked with Riko to sit under one of the blossom trees for our usual tea time. "These Westerosi nobles...have they sense of honor?" Riko asked with a curled lip and I shook my head, taking a sip of tea as I did. "Mother says Westerosi honor and Yi-Tish honor as very different. They call Westerosi honor the "Code of Chivalry" or when a moral system which combined a warrior ethos, knightly piety, and courtly manners, all combining to establish a notion of honor and nobility." I responded as we watched birds fly over head, away from the prying eyes thanks to the walls of the manse. "Whereas Yi-Tish honor is the Bushido Code as we know it, The tenets of the Bushido code are rectitude, courage, benevolence, respect, honesty, honor, loyalty, wisdom, and care for the elderly. Failure of a Samurai to live up to the tenets meant that they would lose their honor and had to commit a form of ritual suicide called seppuku. Westerosi do not have the practice of seppuku like we do." I said as Hiroto walked out and over to the practice dummy, giving a head nod in our direction. 

Yes, Yi-Ti and Westeros had different concepts of honor...and it made me feel even more like an outsider in the place that I should call home...but the Imperial Courts of Yi-Ti, the house of the Emperor and the beautiful landscapes were my home and always would be. "It is nice of Princess Myrcella to also have a Flower Festival that goes alongside our Spring festival...oh, the cherry blossoms must be in full bloom by now." Riko lamented and I simply chuckled before standing up as Lady Kimiko walked out with a messenger from the Red Keep, judging by his clothing. "Princess Myrcella has extended an invitation of a tea party to all the high born maidens as well as the honorable Yi-Tish Ambassador, Lady Harumi Tsukishiro within the confines of the garden of the Red Keep." The messenger said as he handed the wrapped up scroll to me and I took it and unfurled the scroll, a smile appearing on my face. 

'Honorable Yi-Tish Ambassador Lady Harumi Tsukishiro,

I invite you and your ladies to a tea party I am holding in honor of the flower festival as well as the Tourney that will take place tomorrow. I have asked that you come as my most esteemed guest and will have the honor to sit right next to me while my cousin, the Lady Shireen Baratheon will sit on my other side. If you chose not to attend, I will be saddened but not offended in any way.

Princess Myrcella of House Baratheon'

I looked back at the messenger and smiled, nodding as I put the scroll in my sleeve. "I would be honored to the Princess's tea party. If you would not mind waiting while I fix myself up. then we can leave." I said to the messenger who nodded and seemed to sag with relief. I quickly walked inside, looked at myself in the mirror before throwing a pear at Hiroto's head when he passed by and uttered "Conceited." He dodged it of course but grabbed his sword and follows Riko, Lady Kimiko and myself out while Katsuhito and Lady Masako remained behind to keep an eye on things. The carriage ride was short and brief, and soon I was being led to the gardens of Princess Myrcella where laughter was already heard and I smiled before stopping at the sight. Flowers surrounded the table and Princess Myrcella was dressed in a light pink and yellow kimono, worn properly instead of how Queen Cersei wore hers. "Lady Harumi...welcome." Princess Myrcella greeted as she stood up and offered a hand to a seat next to her, decorated with cherry blossoms and a golden chrysanthemum emblem was on a plate in front of a chair. "Thank you for inviting me to this tea party." I said as I sat down, Lady Kimiko and Riko sitting on the other side of me while Princess Myrcella beamed before having servants pour tea in cups similar to that of those from Yi-Ti. 

"What is is like in the Imperial Palace, my lady?" I looked over and made eye contact with Lady Shireen and shrugged. "Different than here, that is for sure. For one, we have many ceremonies throughout the day. And while there is a council, it is not like your small council...sometimes he is seen as just a figurehead for ceremonial reasons and other times, like dealing with usurpers to the Chrysanthemum Throne, he is truly in control of the empire." I spoke as I thanked a servant who offered a small cherry glazed cake to me. "Are you engaged to an Imperial Prince by any chance?" I looked over to meet the light brown eyes of a woman with semi-light brown hair and coy smile, she was wearing green and had a gold rose over her right breast...A Tyrell lady...just as ambitious as the Lannisters, but more secretive about it. "No...the Imperial Princes have their own courts and harems...yes, harems. But, the royal consort's child will inherit the throne or some powerful position." I explained quickly and she nodded as a lady dressed in Stark grey dress looked at Hiroto with wide eyes before whispering to another girl sitting next to her. 

"Will your sworn shield be entering in the Tourney?" Princess Myrcella asked and I nodded, giving Hiroto a quick smile before returning to Princess Myrcella. "Yes, both of them will be representing Yi-Ti in this. They have trained for this for some time." I said as I spied Princess Arianne walking over, dressed in an orange and red kimono, giving me a quick smile before she bowed and sat near the Tyrell girl. "I truly hope you enjoy your time here and I apologize for all the insults that you have had to endure here." Princess Myrcella whispered to me and I put my hand over hers and smiled at her reassuringly. "Unlike some, my skin is thick and simple words do not hurt me. Yes, they are harsh...but I have grown to ignore them." I said as servants took away the plates and left the tea cups. 

Princess Myrcella Baratheon

The tea party went off well...Lady Harumi Tsukishiro was wonderful and I knew we could become fast friends in the future. I could also tell that she had feelings for the sworn shield that followed her...Hiroto, I believe his name was. "I heard that you had a tea party today, Myrcella...how was it?" Father asked and I smiled at his question as I knew he was trying to be closer to Tommen and I as Joffrey just spurned his attention. "It was wonderful! I even invited the Imperial Ambassador Harumi Tsukishiro...did you know her name means "Beauty of the White Moon"? I think it fits her perfectly." I said as I ate some chicken and he nodded while Joffrey scoffed and Mother rolled her eyes. "I also learned that the Emperor has a harem, but it is the consort's child who will take the throne while the other children will take on ministerial posts, military posts, or become monks and nuns?" I continued and Mother slammed her cup down, glaring at nothing. "Why can't those....savages be like our refined court and have only one spouse, not many slave girls." Mother sneered and I wanted to correct her but Father simply shook his head. "Lady Harumi's sworn shields will be in the tourney tomorrow...I hope one of them wins the joust." I said quietly with a fond tone as Father smiled and placed his hand over my head. "We'll see, Cella...we'll see." Father said before bidding us good night. 

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