~Chapter 12~

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Back in Kings Landing....


'Favor...I have found favor with the Emperor through Lady Harumi.' I thought, still in shock as I sat by the window of my chambers, holding the golden chrysanthemum pin in my hands, turning it over and over before smiling to myself. "Princess....these were sent for you." One of the servants said as she brought in two vases filled with plum blossoms and lotus flowers, tied with a red and gold ribbon. As she left, I went over to the book of Yi Tish traditions that I managed to get from Lord Arryn before the Yi Tish arrived and turned to the page about personal meanings. "Plum blossoms or 'Ume' represent patience and are an emblem of hope, particularly to those who wish and dream for other things. Lotus flowers or 'Hasu' represent purity among the ladies of Yi Ti but also enlightenment among those who strive for more knowledge. The 34th Scarlet Emperor, Lo Doq was said to have given a gift of over a hundred lotus flowers and seeds to King Jaehaerys the Conciliator in the first and only time Yi Ti reached out to Westeros." I read the book before closing it as the door opened again but no one was there. "Hello?" I called out as the black cat with the missing ear appeared in the doorway. 

The lights of the candles flickered and I felt a cold chill come over me before feeling a cold hand on my shoulder as my eyes rolled back. "Look and see what secrets your mother has hidden from everyone." A voice whispered as I was brought to a forested area around Casterly Rock and saw a young girl, no older than I was with two other girls, walking towards a wooded hut. I picked up the skirts of my dress and followed them, watching as one girl ran away in terror while the other two stayed. "Tell us our futures." The golden haired girl ordered in a tone similar to the one my mother always used. "And why should I?" The woman sneered and the golden haired girl huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Because my father can destroy you if I order him to." The older woman sighed and pulled out a twisted iron dagger, taking the girls thumb and drink the blood from it. "Now...will I wed the prince?" "Never. You will wed the king." Prince...King? What was going on. "But I will be queen though?" The young golden haired girl asked, more like demanded. "Aye....Queen you shall be... until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear." I shuddered at the woman's words. 

"Will the king and I have children?" The young girl asked hopefully. "Oh, aye. Six-and-ten for him, and three for you. Gold shall be their crowns and gold the shroud of one." I could tell the young girls were growing more nervous as the woman continued to speak. "And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap their hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you." The golden haired girl stepped back in shock as the brown haired girl stepped forward, offering her thumb. "Will I marry Jaime Lannister?" The brown haired girl asked in a hopeful tone but the old woman shook her head. "Not Jaime, nor any other man, Worms will have your maidenhead. Your death is here tonight, little one. Can you smell her breath? She is very close." "Let's go, Melara." The golden haired girl ordered as she threw a jar into the old woman's face, causing her to scream and curse at the girls as they ran out. "We...we can't tell anyone what we heard." I watched as the two came to a stop around a well and watched as the golden haired girl stepped behind her brown haired friend. "You're right....we can't tell....no one will know what happened tonight." I wanted to scream as the golden haired girl picked up a stone and bashed the brown haired girl over the head with it before throwing her into the well. As the golden haired girl walked off, the screams from the brown haired girl were still heard. "CERSIE! CERSEI, PLEASE! GODS CURSE YOU, LANNISTER!" 

I gasped and saw that I was back in my chambers in the Red Keep and felt tears pour down my face. "Myrcella, it is time for dinner." I heard the voice of mother speak and I quickly wiped away the tears, putting the pin in my hair and readjusting everything. "Coming." I said as I walked out, not seeing a woman with brown hair watch with sorrow filled eyes as I left. "Must you wear that attire now? They are gone." I heard mother and Joffrey scoff but I ignored them. "I will continue to wear these dresses however long I want to." I said, giving a smile to a servant who pour cider into my cup. "I saw cousin Shireen off today. She was also wearing a kimono and in my favorite color...cream!" Tommen told father who chuckled and patted his head while I smiled. "Cream...that is pathetic. Only a simpleton would like that color." Joffrey scoffed and I saw father glare at him before looking back at Tommen. "Don't worry son. Every man has their own color...it does not mean nor make a man weak." Father spoke sending a look to Joffrey who rolled his eyes and drowned another cup of wine. 

"Father...Uncle Renly doesn't have children, will I be 'Lord of Storms End' if he dies?" Tommen asked and father sighed. "I do not know. It is possible with how Renly does not settle and marry like the rest of us did." Father grumbled and Tommen looked happy at that. "Can I marry Shireen? I know we are cousins-" "Courting weaklings now are you? You are a prince." Joffrey scoffed and stormed away while mother followed him. "That boy's tongue will get him killed one of these days." Father muttered. 'Valonqar does not mean little brother...it is genderless and means 'Little Sibling'.' A voice, the same one from before whispered in my head. 'Gold their crowns, gold the shroud of one.' The voice of the witch whispered in my head as I shuddered. 

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