9. Coffee with Taran!

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Taran's POV

Dressed in a blue and white floral block print suit, she was looking breathtaking. Though I'm personally very critical of traditional clothing but Parineet carries her attires so well, I must say. When I found her today at the front of my hospital, I grew curious but lowkey guessed the reason. She indeed forgot about Ayaan's home clinic thing. Either she's an insane woman for getting worked up to reach there all alone or surely I have gone nuts for I literally made her sit in my car so that I could drop her at the clinic. I just don't come to understand why am I being so involved with her. Earlier it was a doctor's concern for his patient but nowadays I feel more. I feel a sense of friendship, care for her as friends do. Though there's no such thing that exists between us but still I feel. Or if I should frame it more correctly then I behave and feel for her just the way I do for my friends or close ones. Atleast borderline.
Just a minute back, I was flirting with her which certainly tells that I have a liking for her, from the day i saw her in market. But only as friends and I know this feeling would leave me soon. And about me flirting with her just now, that's not something new. I don't want but it just happens. You know it comes from within. I'm a born flirt I guess. Wow!
Ayaan thought I was doing it intentionally but only I know it was organic. Though there's one fact that I like when she goes red with anger. Atleast she emotes that well. Her cheeks get puffed up and her plum pink lips curve into a pout, everytime she gets pissed with someone (me). A depressed person can also get angry and knock you Taran Ahuja. Noted.
Well, I genuinely hope that she progresses well and recovers soon. She's in hands of a brilliant psychiatrist. Ayaan is G.O.A.T.


One month later :

The past month passed in a blur. I worked, took a week's break and luckily I took mom on a holiday at her favourite destination Baali. She always cribbed to me about going there and I finally had the time. I was so happy seeing her enjoy herself to the fullest. When she was busy making friends with Indian tourists there, I was a loner all the time though, except one exciting night. If you know, you know. Making mom believe my excuses about where I spent the night, was a task. It's the only thing I get hesitant sharing with her. I don't know how she will react because I dread that at this point in my life, she can pair me up with my one night stand girl too. No strings attached is a concept, foreign to her and I just let it be. Though I doubt if she guessed it.
Well, all in all, it was a great time, full of leisure and surgeries and medicines. However I haven't spent time with Ayaan or any other friends of mine, except when me and Ayaan were at the hospital, that too amount to very minimal interaction. But he kept me updated about Parineet's treatment and changes in her, but not without saying "It's my duty to inform you because afterall it's your insistence and recommendation, after she came to me for the treatment."

I scoff at him and he laughs at me.

I put my stethoscope in the mini drawer and forwarded my chair as Ayaan let out a long drag of cigerette.
"Why don't you join me for in evening? It's been long since we had a drink together. I am absolutely free today."

"I can come around 3 or 4 if you agree." I replied since I had promised mom to have lunch and dinner with her today. Ayaan gave a thought and confirmed.

"Yeah man. It's been very long."

"True. I missed you."

"Find yourself a girlfriend Mr Ayaan Ansari, so that you can miss her instead of me."

"Look who's saying."

"The most eligible bachelor of the town."

"I have never heard a joke so worse than this."

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