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*✧・゚: *✧・゚: chapter twenty nine

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*✧・゚: *✧・゚: chapter twenty nine

You were more upset than you expected to be leaving Hyunjin's family in America and travelling back to South Korea. In only two days you'd watched Hyunjin bond with his family, a new side of him revealing itself. It was as though the walls he'd built up around the family aspect of his life had been broken down, and you couldn't be happier for him.

Not only was Hyunjin your boyfriend, but he was also your friend - a friend you'd watched go through a really difficult time whilst his parents divorced, and his mum moved away. You were thrilled your boyfriend was rekindling his relationship with his mum and her family, but you were also overjoyed that nineteen-year-old Hyunjin was getting the closure he had wanted for years.

It was safe to say tears were shed when you and Hyunjin said your goodbyes at the airport when you parted, Hyunjin's mum, her boyfriend, Ellie and George coming to the airport to see you off. Even you were crying, the whole atmosphere setting you off. Hyunjin had promised he'd get them over to South Korea whenever it was feasible, and you knew he'd keep that promise.

He didn't stop talking about them the whole plane ride home, his fear of flying pushed to the back of his mind as he squeezed your hand, reminiscing on the short trip. You sat, listening intently at every word he had to say, beaming from ear to ear. You both eventually drifted off to sleep, cutting the time of the journey in half and found yourselves back in Seoul in no time at all. Hyunjin had driven you both back to the apartment, tapping to the music of the playlist you had made for him all that time ago.

It was so endearing to you, how your relationship with Hyunjin had changed so dramatically this year. Love was not something you had planned for yourself, especially over the exam period of the year, yet you couldn't help falling for your friend. It made looking back on all your happy memories as friends so special, knowing how things had turned out between you both.

At one point during your drive home, a song came on that had been playing when you drove to your first proper date, and you couldn't help but get emotional at how thankful you were that Hyunjin reciprocated the feelings you felt for him. He'd noticed, because he'd become extremely observant over you recently, and he just laughed at you, ruffling your hair under his hand.

You got back to your shared apartment, it was late afternoon, so your plan was to sleep for the foreseeable and get rid of your jet lag before you had to start working at the restaurant again. You'd been pondering Hyunjin's suggestion of working for the company, and the more you thought about it you realised how great of an opportunity it would be for you. You'd spoke to him about it a lot, voicing your concerns; that part of you didn't want to take the job opportunity because of your ego, how you didn't want to be seen as just mooching off of your millionaire boyfriend.

He'd explained that he'd never offer you a job if he didn't actually want you to work for him, and that if he thought you were mooching off of his money that he'd break up with you asap. You'd swatted at him as he'd laughed at you, of course. Then, he reminded you how despite not even needing a job whilst you were in a relationship with him, him being financially stable enough to take care of the both of you easily, you still worked for Minho's restaurant, got your degree and had the aspiration of acquiring a job.

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