TJTBP - Chapter 3.

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Hola. Lilly comes in this chapter, but I didn't cast her so you just gotta imagine her as I write it.

Sorry. :l

Oh, and if you're stupid and don't know who that is over there, that would be Mikey F*cking Way, ladies and gentlemen. :3


Chapter 3

I stared at the wall across from my bed. That's all I could do; stare and hope to die. I pulled out my old sketchbook I drew in and flipped to the next page and wrote.

My life sucks for a few reasons:

1. The doctor came in about an hour ago and took a bajillion tests. Now we just wait for him to bust through the door and tell me, finally tell me, if I have cancer.

2. Mikey won't stop crying.

3. They keep sticking me with needles, which sucks and it hurts, because I am afraid of needles.

4. Lilly's coming today. And I have to tell her. Or else Mikey will, and that would make me look worse.

Mikey walked in and I quickly snapped my book shut. He looked at me, suspicious. Then he just shrugged it off and tossed me a water. It was all I could drink while they played with the obvious.

I took a sip as Mikey sat down in what was now his chair by my bed. "Lilly's coming today."

"Don't remind me," I seethed. She would leave me for sure.

He sighed, annoyed. "Gerard, chill. She's not gonna leave you."

"Yes she will!" I cried out, throwing my hands in the air. "If Alicia was a convicted serial killer, would you stay with her?"


"Exactly." I groaned and threw my head back on the pillow.

He gave me a look of sympathy and he sunk back in his chair. He pulled out his phone and puffed his cheeks out, blowing out. "Guess we just gotta see what happens."

Mikey started texting and Frank walked in. "How's The Patient over here?"

"Do not call me that."

"Yeah, I will call you that. From now on you're The Patient," he announced, grinning at his name discovery.

I sighed. "Mikey, can you leave me with Frank, please?"

Frank looked confused. I knew where I was going with this. Mikey nodded and walked out. Frank took the seat on the other side of my bed. I sighed and looked at him. "What do you think happens when you die, Frank?"

"You're not gonna die, Gerard."

"Eventually I will. We all will. But, what do you think happens?"

"We already discussed this, man. We both said we want to go comfortably and in a good memory."

"Exactly. Except I don't have any memories that are good enough to fit that category."

"Of course you do. Our double date with me and Jamia, you and Lilly, any of our My Chem shows..."

"I mean one of in my childhood. One where I was teased. One where I could go back and switch it around so my life wasn't as messed up." I desperately wanted that.

He chuckled. "Your life sucks, man. It sucks so much you turned wise on me."

I laughed at that. "I'm going to hell."

"Patient, no you're not. What you did was wrong, sure, but it used to be your job. It's basically instinct now. But Friday night...that was out of hand."

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