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Percy felt as everyone left the ground and flew away. She turned and ran back into the building. She started fighting monster after monster. Hellhound, after hellhound, even a few cyclopses showed up.

"Persephone Jackson, I was wondering when you'd show yourself," the Joker said, stepping out from his spot. The creepy eyes were staring straight at her.

"I have been here a while, if you hadn't noticed," Percy said.

"Don't worry, I did. That's why I sent some attackers after your family," Tartarus said.

Percy hummed, and got a little concerned. But she had full faith in Nico and Will, so it didn't show much.

Percy jumped into action as the Joker started to attack her.

The pair dodged, and countered, continuously. Neither gained the upper hand.

It got worse, when other monsters came back, and started attacking Percy as well.

She got cut, bruised, and scraped up, but didn't stumble in her stride. That would be dangerous. Her plan was risky enough, as is.

Nico found her, struggling, but still giving it her all. He quickly jumped in and covered her back. He dealt with the monsters, and because his sword absorbed souls, they wouldn't reform.

Once the monsters were gone, Nico left the building, after giving a glance at Percy. She nodded slightly and started to enact the rest of her plan.

The Joker stopped mid stride, as Percy forced all of the liquids in his body to stop moving.

"You can't beat me, Persephone," The Joker said, through gritted teeth, as he strained to move.

"I defeated your wife, you'll be defeated too," Percy said, as she ran at his frozen form.

Percy let his body move just as she went to strike, but he blocked it, even if the blade sliced his neck.

"You can't beat me, Persephone. And I will kill you for killing my wife, after I killed the rest of your family," Tartarus said, grinning from ear to ear. As he sliced her across her torso.

"A wise woman once said, I'd watch the whole world burn to save a friend. Wonder what I'd do to save family," Percy said, as she took control of the liquids in his body again, and started to heat it up.

As she did this, she made the ground start to shake. Blood started to drip out of her nose, and she started seeing some spots.

"You'll kill yourself too, if you keep this up," Tartarus chocked out.

"I don't care. They'll be safe, and alive," Percy said, as she drove her sword through his neck, and brought the building down.

She was lightheaded, and seeing black as this happened, but she forced her body to vapor travel out of the falling building.

The Joker's head hit the ground, right as the building crashed on his body. And the dust of Tartarus scattered under the debris by an unseen force.

Percy reformed, and fell right outside the building.

The others looked at the building in horror as it fell. Will, looked calm, but on edge.

He saw her appear, and fall, and darted towards her.

"Styx," Will muttered, and started to stop the bleeding gash across her body. He also noticed the blood gushing from her nose.

"How is she?" Bruce asked.

"She's dying," Nico said, staring at his cousin.

"How do you know that?" Bruce asked, looking at him with a hard glare.

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