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Percy removed the head of the shower and brought it down for her to use, as she sat on the floor of the shower. She washed herself, and turned the water off. She willed herself dry, and made sure to carefully get out.

She threw on a loose tshirt, and an old pair of gym shorts, then got back in bed. She saw a sandwich and a glass of water on her nightstand and quickly began to eat it.

She finished the sandwich and drank the water, before lying down and fell asleep, as soon as her head hit the pillow.

She dreamed of good times with her mom and Paul.

When she woke up, she felt refreshed, and she didn't have any injuries.

She smiled as she looked at her body, and didn't see any injuries or blood that she'd need to heal or clean.

She carefully got up and went to the bathroom. She relieved herself and brushed her teeth. She grabbed a book, then made her way back into bed. She knew better than to get up without being cleared by Will, even if she goes stir crazy.

A bit later, everyone came into her room.

"How are you feeling, Perce," Will asked.

"Little sore, but not in pain. So that's good," Percy said, setting her marked book next to her.

"Good. I'm guessing you mean muscle soreness?" Will asked.

Percy nodded.

"Great. I'm going to take a look at your wound. See if we can get it fully healed now," Will said.

They look at the wound, except the wound is gone, nothing but a faint scar.

"You showered last night, right?" Will asked.

"Yes," Percy said, "water must have finished healing me, and I was just not paying attention."

"Doesn't that need to be a conscious thing?" Nico asked.

"I've used it enough, it happens more on a subconscious level now," Percy said, waving her hand.

"That's not exactly a good thing, even if it is beneficial," Will said.

"I'm aware," Percy said, with a sigh.

"Well, you are able to move around and not be stuck in bed now, but still, take it easy for a few days, at least," Will said.

"I'll make sure she listens," Alfred said, nodding at Will.

"Let's go watch movies then, I think we all need time to relax," Bruce said, before he turned to Alfred, "can we get popcorn and drinks?"

"Of course, Master Bruce," Alfred said.

"You can come watch some movies with us, if you'd like, Alfred," Bruce said.

"Maybe one movie wouldn't hurt," Alfred said, then he left the room.

Nico and Will still helped Percy out of the bed, even though she was more than capable.

Then the group started to walk to the movie room.

"When will you two head back to camp?" Percy asked.

"In a few days. We need to make sure there are no more monsters lingering around," Nico said.

"and that you are completely healed," Will said.

"Alright. How is camp doing anyway?" Percy asked.

"We're rebuilding, now that no one is in the infirmary anymore, and everyone is back to their normal routine and training," Will said.

"Good, I'm glad everyone's doing better," Percy said.

"You gonna come visit anytime soon?" Nico asked.

"I will. Just after some time to heal from all of this," Percy said, with a small chuckle, "I need to make sure everyone is being trained right."

"You know Chiron wouldn't let anyone slack off," Nico said.

"I'm very much aware. Still gonna check everyone though," Percy said, with a grin.

"Chiron?" Damian asked, "as in the Greek trainer of heros?"

"Yeah, him," Percy said, "he's immortal to, so he is still alive and kicking."

"Cool," Tim said, with a wide grin.

"So what movie should we watch first?" Dick asked, as they entered the living room.

"How about Finding Nemo?" Percy asked, with a grin.

"Why?" Damian asked.

"It's a good movie, duh," Percy said, still grinning ear to ear.

"Afterwards, we can watch Extraction, or something," Dick asked, wanting to watch the movie Percy suggested, since he hasn't seen such a bright smile since she got here.

"That's fair," Bruce said, nodding at Dick.

Percy smiled more, and plopped down on one of the couches. She winced slightly, but was okay. She just found a sore muscle.

Alfred came back with popcorn, drinks, and blankets.

"Let's start the movie," Bruce said, once everyone was seated.

They watched Finding Nemo, and afterwards, Alfred left to make everyone food.

They ate the meal in the living room, and spent the entire day watching movies.

Nico and Will left a few days later. They had checked the town several times for lingering monsters, and were glad to only find a few.

Percy was healed completely and back to training her cousins and uncle.

She eventually felt confident enough to go back to camp. She went back for a week, before returning to her Uncle's house, and begin training the League of Justice, and the Young Justice.

Overall, she was doing much better. She still had the occasional flashback, though far and few between, and still had nightmares from the wars and quests. However, she was much more equipped to handle them, and was able to bring herself out of a flashback on her own now.

She was at peace with all that she experienced, and was able to continue to live her life.

She did eventually join the night life of her cousins and uncle, but only when they ran into a Greek related issue, which wasn't often.

She was happy and content with herself, and her life.

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