Chapter 14: A Chemical Reaction

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A/N: November 12, 2022

Question of the day: What would your life be called if it were a book?

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Oliver," I whispered. "You shouldn't do this."

His head tilted in a curious way. How could one be drop dead gorgeous, smart, and cute at the same time?! The World definitely had its favorites.

"I get swayed easily over the smallest gestures. This isn't good for my heart," I went on.

He raised his brows and with an amused smile he asked, "So what I'm hearing is you're having a gay panic?"

My eyes darted to him and snapped, "I'm not having a gay panic!"

But he smiled as if he could see past my lie. I felt hot and fuzzy.

"Good, because I'm totally not having a gay panic either."

My heart jumped at the teasing look on his gorgeous face. Confident men with crooked grins would be the death of me.

No, Daniel, stop! What happened to being professional? I can't let things turn out like how they did with Aaron. I can't ruin everything again. Oliver's grip tightened slightly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Don't think about him when you're with me."

His husky voice made my chest tighten. Oliver's voice had an undertone of something I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"Think about who?" I gulped.

"Your ex."

His blue eyes gazed at me, and his lips were so close that I thought he would kiss me. The worst part was, I wanted him to. He moved impossibly close and I caught a whiff of his shampoo: fresh, woodsy, with another scent that was nice and not too imposing.

"You sound jealous," I chuckled, making a poor attempt to make another joke. His lips pressed into a small smile, his gaze never leaving mine. His voice was calm but quiet, as if he didn't expect himself to say it either.

"Maybe I am."

My heart rate picked up. I wasn't sure if it was his confidence, his straightforwardness, or his movie-star face that made me so anxious.

"Is this another scenario to get inspiration for your book?" I asked as lightly as I could. "You can't possibly be jealous."

"I couldn't be more serious."

Flustered, my brows drew together.


"I, what? Daniel, are you going to blame me for wanting to kiss you when you're looking at me like that?"

"Like what?" My voice was hardly a whisper.

"With lust, anticipation, and fear."

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