Chapter 38: Captain Pussy

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A/N: Hello everyone! Hope you enjoy this week's update :) I'll try to post every Saturday so I can be a little more consistent. 

Hope you enjoy!!!

Please don't forget to leave a vote :)

Also, are any of you traveling this summer? 


"What took you so long?" Oliver's friend asked when we finally emerged outside. 

He must have been waiting for Oliver, and a surge of guilt and embarrassment washed over me. Just moments ago, I had been biting my lower lip, desperately trying to stifle my moans and whimpers, and now I had to put on my best poker face.

"I was busy doing something," Oliver said, and I flinched.

Yeah, he was busy doing me.

"Are you going to introduce me to your friend?" the tall man smiled.

He possessed striking features and was undeniably handsome, with tanned skin that matched the color of his eyes and short-cropped hair.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?" Oliver offered gently, glancing at me. He wasn't sure what title I was comfortable with.

"I'm Daniel. Oliver's personal assistant," I greeted him.

As much as I wanted to introduce myself as Oliver's boyfriend, we needed to keep our relationship a secret for now, at least until his new book release and the first couple of months of advertising. 

Avoiding major scandals and gossip was a priority, especially at such a crucial moment in his career.

"Nice to meet you, Daniel. I'm Zack," he greeted, extending his hand. "Oliver and I met in the military and trained together. I work for the Air Force now."

I shook his hand, taken aback by how rough it felt against my palm.

"I thought Oliver would have joined me or at least one of the other special forces in the military, but he decided to pursue writing instead," Zack lamented. "I won't lie, he's a great writer, and I cried like a baby reading his books, but it's such a shame."

Zack sighed and gave Oliver a strong clap on the shoulder, a gesture that would have surely knocked me to the ground. 

"You don't find men like him nowadays," he said with a hint of admiration in his tone.

I had a hard time imagining Oliver in the military or the Air Force. Maybe it was because I had seen him in funky clothes and pajamas too many times, but he didn't strike me as those intimidating, heartless men who barked orders at you.

"Do you guys want to grab something to eat?" Zack asked. "I know a good salad place nearby."

Oliver looked at me, and I smiled.

"Sure, that would be nice," I responded.

We started walking together, but I couldn't shake the feeling of being dwarfed between them, like a little kid caught between two towering giants.Zack's observant eyes caught sight of my slight limp, and he chuckled. 

"You must have had quite an intense training session. Do your legs hurt that much?"

I reddened involuntarily as a vivid memory of Oliver's intense thrusts and my suppressed groans flashed through my mind. Fighting off the distraction, I managed to plaster a smile on my face and admitted, "Yeah, I'm a bit sore."

I could see Oliver smiling through the corner of my eye. 

We arrived at the salad bar and placed our orders before sitting down.

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