Author's Note and a Message from Liam Trackerson

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        Wow! So, 4000+ views on my first story, not too shabby. I said I'd post another if anyone every read my first, so here goes. I wrote this one when I was thirteen. That means a little less drama, less spelling and grammar errors, more bad attempts at humor. Also, zombies.
    Lots and lots of zombies.


    "Sometimes you get those days when you just feel like giving up. You just want to lie on your back and say "Take me. Take me away". There are those days when you want it all to end, and you'd do anything for that. This is a story about why you don't surrender, why you don't stop fighting, not even when death is personally staring you down in the face, and why you never, ever give up."

    - Liam Trackerson

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