~Chapter 15~

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My green wings which were shifting to purple at the moment as I got closer to the top of the dome flapped in the damp greenhouse air. I was above the towering trees at this point, and the humming was getting louder.

Above the high treeline beyond the glass, I could see Aircrafts of some kind. That was the only word I had to describe them, anyways. But then I remembered the UFOs I saw that day in the underground park bunker. They didn't look like your typical television UFOs though. Unlike the flying saucers that so many faked to see online, these unidentified flying objects were truly unidentifiable. They were what could only be described as extraterrestrial aerodynamic cubes, with curves and twists in design that the most advanced human engineers could never hope to calculate, replicate, or the like. Thankfully the dome was hidden from above by the dense amazon trees, but the alien spaceships had an odd spotlight of some kind, shining from each ship above. One of the beams penetrated through the glass of the dome, and I was momentarily blinded as I heard screeches of fright of dragonets and humans alike below. Some screams were cut short, which was odd. Before long, the aliens passed onward to do what seemed to be sweeping the rest of the amazon with the spotlights.

Odd indeed. And it would only get weirder when I came back down and saw a couple of puddles of goo scattered outside the dome, with lab coats mixed in.

When I was taken in for observation the next day, Jessica was tense. She tried to smile when I came up to her with a popsicle stick to play tug-of-war, but I could tell it was a large strain. There were also quite a few less scientists in the halls and outside the dome, and Sahara had said something about a waterwheel and the 'emergency solar panels.'

Vincent was in a far worse mood than normal, and Jerold seemed very grim.

None of the dragonets gathered the entire story, but what we had managed to gather, was that there was some kind of huge catastrophe outside, and the amazon lab was having electrical power struggles. I didn't know entirely, but I had a pretty big hunch that the UFOs had something to do with the giant size of devastation outside.

My fears were only confirmed when I listened in at the wrong place at the right time. Apparently, those puddles of goo long since cleaned up outside the dome, were or, had been- in fact, scientists.

I wasn't sure what made me feel sicker. That, or the knowledge that those screams only cut off after the spotlight got through the dome's glass.

I learned later why Jessica was so depressed. Apparently, it wasn't just the amazon that had been swept with the killing light. It was the entire planet.

Which meant my family that I had tried so hard to protect from myself, were... were gone. All of my friends. My home city.

The entire world's dominant species had been completely wiped off the face of the earth, except for the one hundred or so lab members. And not just humans either. All Hominidae and primates were just completely gone.

I didn't eat for an entire day afterward, too depressed to do anything.

though I eventually had to so I wouldn't starve, I refused to do the next several morning songs. Two weeks. It was torture. But Was there even a reason to get up in the morning anymore?

Surprisingly, it was Chris who broke me out of my depressed stupor.

My tired eyes saw his purple scaled head with a singular horn pop in through my den's entrance hole, with what looked like an annoyed but also slightly concerned face.

"Hey there." He said in annoyance. I sighed.

"what do you want?" I asked the purple scaled dragonet.

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