Fly me to the moon

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After a while of walking, Garito and Lucy stood in front of the doors to Lucy's apartment.

Lucy: Right here.

Garito: So this is where you live all alone?

Lucy: Yes. What? Nervous or something?

Garito: Of course not.

Lucy: This is your first time?

Garito: No.

Lucy: Then come in. Sit down and relax.

They both come in and Garito can see that she has a pretty decorated room he could even see a bathtub full of ice and water which gives him an immediate idea that she is a netrunner.

Lucy: Beer's all I got. Want some?

Garito: Why not.

Lucy took two bottles of beer from a fridge and gave one to Garito.

Garito: Cheers.

Then Lucy lit up her cigaret and offered unto him but he declined.

Lucy: You know you don't have to wear this shitty Arasaka suit anymore right?

Garito: Oh yeah, your right.

He took off the black suit leaving him only in a red shirt and black pants. And then he opened two top buttons on the shirt.

Garito: That feels better.

Then he looked around and Saw a poster about the moon with the words "Your new life awaits!"

Garito: "Your new life awaits!" huh, just like everything a bunch of lies.

Then he took a swing of his beer but Lucy looked at him slightly annoyed.

Lucy: Got a problem?

Garito: Let's be realistic all of this talk about it making it sound like a paradise but we all know that paradise is just a made-up word to give people hope. It's more like a prison camp, a lot of people died there trying to turn that place into something useful. They promised that at the start of the 20th century and only now it looks like something is happening.

Lucy: Sounds to me like someone did their homework.

Garito: A lot of useless shit you will learn on the street and this is one of them.

Lucy: So you are a street rat then?

Garito: Yup. As far as I remember. Most of my child hut I spend on the street but then one fixer named Sebastian Ibarra also known as "Padre" took me in and when I was strong enough to hold a gun I joined Valentinos for a little while, then I become a merc.

Lucy: So your dream is to become a legend, huh?

Garito: Not really.

Lucy looked at him confused.

Garito: I never had dreams I just woke up do my job and go to sleep. That's all me. No objective, nothing. And I don't want to be a legend that's not my style I just want to live and meet some good people if it's even possible in NC, and maybe find a person to be close to, that could be my dream you can say. But I guess you have your own dream.

He pointed at the poster.

Lucy: You called it a prison camp. To me, this city is a whole lot worse. I wanna go away. Far as possible.

Garito: I know what you are trying to say. This place- no this whole world is already rotten to the core but we can't do anything with it, just get corrupted as well but one day even Moon will meet the same fate.

A sane cyberpsycho (OC x Cyberpunk: edgerunners)Where stories live. Discover now