Unexpected outcomes

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Garito was standing in the middle of a warehouse and around him were tons of dead tiger claws members. But one was alive and attacked Garito with his katana but Garito grabbed it. And then he started chipping off little by little his sword, with only his one hand.

(0:41 - 1:10)

The tiger claw was in utter shock and fear that he dropped the rest of the sword and fell to his knees.

Garito: That's really all you got?

Tiger Claw was just shaking in fear.

Garito: You are such a waste of my energy.

Then his Manticeblades extended and impaled his head.

Then he called Makima.

Garito: The job is done. They won't be a problem anymore.

Makima: That's what I like to hear. And how does it feel to be finally in control of all of your actions?

Garito: Didn't change a bit.

Makima: You have the rest of the day off. But from my office I see your two friends slaughtering a lot of Animals you should help them.

Garito instantly got on a bike and speeded to where Makima tolled him to go.

And immediately when he arrived he was welcomed by a pile of corpses Animals and he can see David and Rebecca shooting everything alive.

But then David pointed his pistol at the last one but he hesitated so the Animal member pointed her gun at him but Garito swiftly jumped in and cuts off her head.

Garito: Sloppy, David! I can't always be saving your ass.

But David just looked blankly at him.

David: I, uh... My bad.

Garito: I know that fucking look.

Rebecca: Hey psycho! Don't you think that you just appear and take our addies from us!

Garito: Simple thanks would be enough.

Rebecca: What are you doing here anyway?

Garito: Just passing by.

Rebecca: Bullshit!

And Falco drove to them with Kiwi in the back.

Falco: Oh, Howdy, Garito. Didn't expect you here. Need a lift as well?

Garito: Yeah, why not.

David: Wait what about the bike?

Garito: I just stole that bike from now-dead Tiger Claw.

Rebecca: What is your kill count anyway?

Then they all entered the car and Garito was thinking about how to respond to Rebecca.

Garito: Let's see.

He started counting and after he got to twenty everyone looked at each other little concerned even Laura who appeared behind him and hugged him.

Garito: This will take fucking long. This is my answer: How many slices of bread have you eaten in your life?

Kiwi: Shit... That's a lot...

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