Chapter 7

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Mu Xingyu came to the bed and looked at Gu Yunzhou carefully. Today Gu Yunzhou wore a loose silk pajamas and lay quietly on the bed. If you don't know he's in comma you would have thought he was just asleep. His face has improved a lot, and he is no longer as pale as before.

Mu Xingyu remembered the last time he had accidentally absorbed Gu Yunzhou's vitality.
Although he remedied it afterwards, he still regretted it very much. He hurriedly poured a glass of water, then dripped all the spiritual liquid in the three lotus flowers, stirred and fed it to Gu Yunzhou.

"President Gu, I'm so sorry for my mistake in the last life. I will definitely cure your illness in this life. I believe you will wake up sooner. Then..." Mu Xingyu thought of Andre who killed them in the last life. With a sneer, "Andre, you don't want to succeed in your conspiracy."

Mu Xingyu didn't pour a lot of water, and the feeding was soon finished.

He gently wiped the corners of Gu Yunzhou's mouth with a towel and couldn't help but smile. "President Gu the way you look now is much gentler than before."

Perhaps it was a psychological effect and Mu Xingyu felt that Gu Yunzhou's expression immediately improved a lot. After that, Mu Xingyu followed the nurse to learn simple nursing. In terms of diet, Gu Yunzhou can only eat easy-to-digest liquid foods. When he can't swallow, he needs nasal feeding.

In addition, you must turn him over regularly, change sheets, bedding, and many other things that need attention. Mu Xingyu listened to the nursing staff once, and only felt that taking care of a patient was very delicate and complicated. Fortunately, the Gu's family hired a nursing staff to take care of Gu Yunzhou absolutely. In this way, the time soon arrived at night. Butler Lin asked him to put Mu Xingyu's belongings in the room opposite Gu Yunzhou and told Mu Xingyu.

"Mr. Mu all the items in this room are only recently purchased. If there are other needs, you can tell me at any time."

Mu Xingyu asked, "Who will usually take care of President Gu at night?"

"We hired three care takers, and one care taker will be on duty at night."

"Steward Lin, you don't need to let the nurse come to the room in the future. I will ring the bell if something happens."

Mu Xingyu returned to the room where Gu Yunzhou was.

"Mr. Mu, what do you mean..."
Mu Xingyu came to the bed and looked at Gu Yunzhou carefully.

"I will sleep in this room, and I will take care of him at night." Mu Xingyu said.

He married here because he wanted to heal Gu Yunzhou. If he split the room, he and Gu Yunzhou would spend very little time alone, which was not conducive to treatment. Steward Lin was very surprised. Gu Yunzhou was unconscious now that someone was willing to sleep with him. Although the bed is large, it won't have any effect at all but it's weird how you look at it. But Steward Lin didn't dare to have any comments.
When he went downstairs, he told Old Man Gu that Mu Xingyu was going to live in the same room with Gu Yunzhou. Grandmaster Gu was also surprised but he was more happy.

The nursing worker on duty at night is a middle aged woman with the surname Chu, thinking that Mu Xingyu is a pampered young master, but he did not expect that Mu Xingyu would take the initiative to take care of Gu Yunzhou. She was surprised and delighted, and enthusiastically turned down the sound of the instrument in the room, and said.

"Xiao Mu, if the sound is so low, it won't affect your rest."

"Thank you Aunt Chu, how you usually do on duty at night ?" Mu was disturbed to see aunt Chu's smiles.

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