Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

Gu Yunzhou had arranged people long ago, and all the registration procedures were completed quickly.
When the proof came out, Mu Xingyu had a very unreal feeling. When he was young, he had some longing for the other half of his life, but he never thought he would like a man. If it is an accident to like Gu Yunzhou, then such a rapid marriage is even more of an accident. Compared to his sureal expression, Gu Yunzhou was very excited.

Back in the car, he hugged Mu Xingyu and said excitedly. "Xingyu, we are now legal partners.”

"Well, I don't think so until now. Really.” Mu Xingyu said.

Gu Yunzhou smiled, and immediately kissed Mu Xingyu's lips. He kissed so hard that Mu Xingyu was a little embarrassed. When he was out of breath, Gu Yunzhou finally let go of him and asked,

"Now this is something real. Feel it?"

"Yes ."

Mu Xingyu looked at the driver and Chen Feng in front of him, and gave Gu Yunzhou an unpleasant look.

Gu Yunzhou smiled faintly. "Don't worry, they didn't see it."

The driver and Chen Feng sitting in front: 'Although we didn't see it, we heard it!:

Mu Xingyu sat aside angrily and decided to keep a distance from Gu Yunzhou, but after sitting down, Gu Yunzhou leaned against him again and the two were still next to each other.
With the name of the husband, the reality of the husband should be a matter of course. When sleeping at night, Mu Xingyu was very nervous, after all, he had no experience in this area. However, Gu Yunzhou didn't mention anything, and fell asleep directly. While Mu Xingyu breathed a sigh of relief,  felt a little regretful in his heart.

The next day, they went out together.
Gu Yunzhou has piled up a lot of work, and Mu Xingyu has also arranged announcements. When he arrived at the studio, Lan Ying saw him the first sentence she said.

"Xingyu , you came back.”

Lan Ying originally planned to wait for Mu Xingyu to return from the fashion week, and then go to shoot the cover of VAICO magazine. As a result, as soon as Mu Xingyu was delayed, he had to postpone his work for more than ten days.

"Sorry Sister Lan, I really have something very important, so..."

"Okay, don't talk about it, I understand.”

Lan Ying knew that Gu Yunzhou had gone to the UK, and thought that Mu Xingyu and Gu Yunzhou had a personal matter to deal with.
Mu Xingyu would be wrong and did not explain. When he came to the office, Lan Ying told Mu Xingyu about her new itinerary.

“Xingyu, the most urgent thing now is to shoot the cover of the magazine. I will arrange the time until tomorrow. You have no problem. Right ?"

“No problem."

“Well, after the cover is filmed tomorrow, you will have an interview with you. This is a plan sent by VAICO. For the question of the interview, you have written the answer in advance. You follow what I wrote the answer is enough.”

Mu Xingyu took the plan, looked at the question, and nodded. I know."

“There is one more thing," Lan Ying continued,
"I told you before. To make a guest appearance in Director Song's new movie, I will give you the script tomorrow. Before joining the group, you must carefully study the script. This movie has a large investment and a high degree of attention. It is also the first time you have been exposed to the big screen. It’s very important."

“I understand, Sister Lan, don't worry, I will prepare well."

In the previous life, Director Song did a good job of keeping the new film secret, and Mu Xingyu had no chance to participate in this film. Director Song's movie has a wonderful story and a very high box office. It is an excellent opportunity for the actors to show their faces. Without Lan Ying's reminder, Mu Xingyu will seize the opportunity.
The next day, Mu Xingyu, Lan Ying and others came to the China Division of VAICO Magazine. VAICO magazine is a world-renowned fashion magazine, distributed in many countries. This time, Mu Xingyu was shooting the cover of the China version of VAICO magazine, but even so, this news would be enough to cause a sensation if it were to go out. Because so far, domestic male and female celebrities add up, only ten celebrities can be featured in VAICO magazine, and most of them are celebrities who have won important awards and are well-known,

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