Chapter 1

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                        Chapter 1

Hades was sitting on his throne thinking deeply. His court officials and ministers were all pressuring him to marry someone and have an heir. He decided that he wanted some moments of peace and decided to visit his brother Zeus on Earth. He knew that he had a niece but he hadn't met her till now, not that he cares after all she is adopted and isn't his own blood. He came out of his thoughts and ordered the guards "Prepare for my visit to Earth and inform my brother about my arrival too."

Elora King just heard her father almost squealing in happiness. She quickly went downstairs to the living room where her father currently was, she reached him and asked "Dad, What happened?" Her father turned towards her looking extremely happy, he said "Your uncle is coming to US!" This was the only sentence that he said but she felt extremely excited listening to her father, she had never seen her uncle before. "When will he come?" "Tomorrow" her father answered "What" Elora whispered although she was excited to meet her uncle but 'tomorrow? It was already night now. Wasn't it too late for her uncle to inform them?' these thoughts ran in her mind but she decided not to ask her father these questions.

"Come let's go eat dinner" Zeus said to her. They went ate dinner and went straight to sleep after washing up.

-------------------- Time Skip ---------------------

The next morning, Elora woke up, went to bathe and dressed for college. Elora sighed thinking of college, no one in college really wanted to become friends with her as they all looked scared not of her but of her father and uncle and the only friends she had were after her family's money. Nevertheless, she put her thoughts aside and went to eat breakfast and then went to college.

At home

Zeus was waiting for Hades to arrive. He was very excited to meet his brother and wanted to show Elora to him. He loved his family very much. Soon after Hades arrived. They greeted each other and talked happily, if anyone from Hades kingdom saw him right now they would not belive that it's him. After talking to each other Hades asked his brother where Elora was?

"Oh she is in college right now she will come back by evening." Zeus answered. Hades nodded hearing him  and went to rest.


So How was it? Hope you guys liked it if you did pls support me and star this chapter. Will try to update as soon as possible. Thank you for reading and please share your feedback about the chapter 😊

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