26 - Valeria is Occupying Lorenzo's Mind

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It is raining a lot. The roads are crowdy and I am stuck in traffic as I drive to the warehouse. I don't remember Seville ever raining this much. It is as if a storm is coming and I hope it doesn't come until the day after Valeria's birthday, which is tomorrow.

The traffic light finally turns green and the cars start to move. I get a message from Sam telling me that they have found Kilian's brother's location. So, we are going tonight to get him.

I finally arrive at the warehouse and park my car. I reach the door fully drenched in water.

Making my way to the basement where everyone is, I greet the members along the way. I feel they don't do anything here, just stand in the hallway and talk. I doubt they even leave the warehouse if it is not for family reasons.

"Good, you are here," Sam says. "Roberto is currently at the Fallen Casino. What do you want us to do?"

"Send one or two of our spies to seduce him, then get him here."

"Okay, boss."

Johnny and Sam, along with a couple of other men, leave the room. I wanted to go with them, but I'd rather think of Valeria and speak to her. Besides, I don't want to go to a casino because Valeria will have my head.

That reminds me, I want to propose to her soon. I know it is too soon for that, but I know what I want and I hope she does too. I love her and I can't imagine my life without her.

After a few hours, I receive a call from Johnny telling me that they got Roberto, and are coming back to the warehouse. I honestly didn't expect them to be that fast, but I guess Roberto is just that easy.

I wait in the basement till they arrive, walking around in circles like a crazy man. I do that when I am bored.

Finally, after a few minutes, Johnny and Sam show up carrying an unconscious Roberto. They place him on the chair and tie him up.

"You finished fast," I point out, looking at Roberto.

"Yeah...he was too easy, man. Even I could have seduced him," Johnny replies, shaking his head.

Sam and I laugh at what he said.

I take out my phone and capture a picture of Roberto. I then send it to Sam. He is the best hacker here.

"I sent it to you, Sam. Do your thing and make sure the photo reaches Kilian."

"Okay, Enzo."

I cringe. "Don't call me that."

"What is wrong with Enzo? I always call you that."

"Well, not anymore. Valeria calls me that now. It is weird when you do."

He rolls his eyes at me and I glare at him.

Sam leaves while Johnny stays behind to help me rough Roberto up a little.

I take out the scissors from the table and stand in front of Roberto.

"Wake him up," I tell Johnny, who nods excitedly.

He gets a bucket of water and drops it on Roberto, waking him up instantly. He looks around with alarmed eyes until his eyes are set on me. I smirk as his eyes widen in fear.

"Good morning, sunshine."

"Who are you and why am I here?" His deep voice echoes through the empty room.

"I see you got straight to the point. Well, I have a bone to pick with your brother...well, I want to kill your brother is the right thing to say I guess."

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