07 - Fear

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Doing illegal business like selling and buying guns could always go south. Just like today, I receive a call from Sam telling me that the man who was supposed to meet him by the deck, bailed on him. Because of this, I have to visit his boss and question him.

But his boss is in this shitty club, and I hate going to clubs.

I push the bouncer out of my way as he tries to stop me, but one punch from Johnny made him scurry away. I smile as I continue my strides inside. But a scowl takes over once I see Valeria holding my drunk sister.

My face hardens as she looks at me. "What the fuck are you two doing here!" I growl, grabbing my sister's arm and pulling her towards me.

"Hey, brotherrrr," she slurs and then giggles.

I look at Valeria and she smiles weakly at me, shrugging.

"How did you end up here?" I ask her.

"Umm, Sophia called me." She says over the music.


I walk outside with her and Johnny following me. Sam stayed inside and probably saw some girl to hang out with.

"Why are you here, Sophia? Don't you know this is a bad area?" I yell, making her sober up.

She pouts and looks at Valeria for help. "Don't be an ass, brother. I came here with some friends."

"You are going home and I will deal with you tomorrow!"

"We were going anyways," she rolls her eyes and walks towards Valeria, linking her arm with hers.

"You're not going alone at this time." I narrow my eyes.

"Go get Sam," I say to Johnny.

After a few minutes, Sam comes out wearing a frown. "Why me?" He whines.

"Shut up. Take my sister and the maid home."

I see Valeria flinch a little bit, making me furrow my eyebrows.

Is she ashamed of being a maid?

Well, after what I said before and now, she might me.

I am not usually rude to our housemaids or any housemaids, but this one just angers me for no reason, maybe because she's acting like she's close to my family and I for some reason don't like that. Maybe because I have been away from them for a long time and I feel...a little jealous? I don't know. But they seem too fond of her.

"Fine, but you owe me," he says, pointing his index finger at me. 

I roll my eyes and walk inside with Johnny following me. I have to deal with this thing before dealing with my sister. He took money from us and didn't deliver the goods. We had a deal before that he would sell me some guns, but either his man betrayed his boss, or Alejandro thought he could get away with it. Either way, he's getting a beating. 

I march inside, this time stopping for no one. I kick the door open and Alejandro with two of his men immediately stood up at the intrusion. I take my gun out before they could even blink and aim at him. His eyes widen in surprise as his men take out their guns and point at me, but Johnny got them covered as he holds two guns on each hand.

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