Chapter 3

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Scarlett's pov
I went to my first class and saw Aunt Tahlia teaching. "Scar, you're here. Everyone, this is your new classmate Scarlett Swordsman," Aunt Tahlia introduced me to the class. Everyone's necks snapped as they turned to look at me and gasped. "Yes, you all heard right, Swordsman. Daughter of Jade and Angelo Swordsman better known as The Night Terrors.'" Everyone turned their heads away from me and started talking amongst themselves. It sounded like rats scattering across the floor. "So much for keeping it on the low Aunt Tahlia." I spat at her. Just then I heard laughter from across the room, it sounded like a boy. "She said 'Aunt Tahlia', that's Miss Mikaelson to you, just because you're the daughter of The Night Terrors, does not mean you can call anyone as you, please. We actually have rules here and that applies to everyone, including you." The boy explained. He had short, ash-blonde hair with hazel brown eyes. He was short for someone who had words coming out his mouth like a six-footer. "No, that's Miss Mikaelson to you, you intolerant piece of shit, she can call me whatever she pleases." Aunt T spat back at him. He looked at me and back at Aunt.
"Why does she get to call you whatever she wants. What does she have that we don't?"
"Other than being the daughter of The Night Terrors? She is in fact, my niece so if I were you, I'd keep my mouth."
Her niece? I'm not her niece. I thought to myself and looked at Aunt Tahlia. She winked at me as if to play along with this lie, I nodded in
response that I'd play along.
He looked at me in terror and turned around without saying anything else. "You can sit now Scar." I sat down in the back row of the classroom. The school looked like a university, but for assassins. "Scar you can put on your headphone and listen to music; this is business class and I know you don't like Business."
"So she gets to listen to music and I don't? I hate this subject too, why can't I be on my phone? What, just because she's your niece, she gets to do whatever she wants? This is bullcrap!" Some girl said. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked like any other Aryan race person. She was short as well. What is it with people talking like they're all high and mighty? I thought to myself. I didn't say anything and just glared at her deadly. She looked mortified. I was known for having a resting bitch face but damn, was I really that scary? She immediately turned around and looked at Aunt Tahlia. Aunt looked at her pissed.
"Yes, now when are you people going to get that through you thick skulls? I'm going on with the lesson, if there are any more questions that do not concern the work, I will cut your tongue out."
She went back to teaching and I went back to listening to my music.

Business was over and next was Math. Apparently, our homeroom teacher was our teacher for every subject. That was kind of weird for me, but at least it was Aunt Tahlia and not some random teacher. When it came to math, I was pretty good at it. I understood the work and shit but it didn't mean I liked it. Aunt Tahlia kept asking questions and this dumb blonde kept shouting out the answers. They weren't even the right ones. I swear, if a brain could be the size of a peanut, it would've been hers. "Sydney, shut the fuck up, please. You know you're dumb so stop shouting out the wrong answers. You're going to confuse everyone here. If you would just listen then maybe, just maybe you'd actually understand something." Aunt Tahlia sounded pissed. So her name is Sydney? That explains a lot. Sydney kept her mouth shut and Aunt Tahlia went back to teaching and asking questions. Most of the children answered but this one boy, in particular, intrigued me. He had this light brown hair that was styled into dreadlocks. He also had these deep green eyes. He was about as tall as me, maybe a bit taller and was dark-skinned. He answered the questions consistently and got them all right. It looks like we got a literal smart-ass in the class. Not some wannabe sad sack. I thought to myself as I analysed him. "Correct again, Asher. See Sydney, that's how you answer a question, by raising your hand and answering it correctly." Aunt Tahlia said while looking at Sydney who then looked embarrassed.

The bell rang and it was time for lunch. I walked out of the class and immediately went to look for Akemi and the boys. As I left the class I heard someone shouting. "Hey, new girl, hold on wait for me." I really didn't want to be bothered but I was intrigued as to who was calling out to me like that. I turned around and saw it was Asher, the boy from earlier. He was running after me hysterically, so I decided to just stand still and wait as I wanted to know the reason for being called. He got closer and started slowing down. When he finally reached me, he was exhausted. "Fuck new girl, how do you walk so fast?" He asked while panting like a dog. I didn't answer and just waited until he was done panting. When he finally regained his breath, I started walking again expecting him to follow me. And just as I expected he indeed started following me. "I wanted to ask you why you weren't giving answers. Every time I looked over at you when a question was being asked, you looked like you knew the answer but you didn't say anything."
"Because I don't like drawing attention to myself on the first day of school. And I needed to scout out my competition." As I was talking to him I did not look at him once, instead, I was looking for Akemi and the others. I couldn't see them anywhere in the cafeteria, so I decided to sit at an empty table and Asher sat right across me.
"So you consider me as competition? I'm flattered."
"You should be, I mean someone as great as me considering you as competition is a real blessing," I said cheekily
"I don't know about that," he said. "I haven't even seen your fighting skills yet, so how could I know if you really are better than me?"
"Well then, I guess we would just have to test that out, don't we?" I asked smirking at him, making eye contact for the first time. He started blushing but he tried hiding it. I then realised that he was actually really handsome. We kept eye contact for a while until he broke away.
"Fuck you're too hot of a person to keep eye contact with." He said while looking away. I just smirked at him and he started blushing again.
"We should train together sometime. I would like to get to know you."
"I'll think about it, but you should know I'm not a people pleaser; I really hate people and try to avoid talking to them. I'm only talking to you now because I'm trying to analyse you."
"Aww, bummer. No worries though, I'll make you like me."
"I don't think so, honey," I said to him while getting up and blew him a kiss. I started walking away and when I looked back he was smiling. This boy is really interested in me. Easy target I guess. I thought to myself and smirked and started walking to the dorm.

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