Chapter 7

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Scarlett's pov
It's been a couple weeks since I first started school and I've adapted pretty quickly. I knew all the rules and I made some awesome friends. They are so funny and cool. I was training with them a couple of days ago and they are a lot stronger than they seem. I was honestly surprised when Jackson and Saige pulled some team attack, I barely dodged it when Akemi came and full-on attacked me. It's like they planned to just full-on team up on me, it was an unfair match but I still managed to win them. I also felt like I've improved since before I joined. Thanks to Asher. I immediately shook that thought out of my mind, but it was true. It's because we were equally matched, I was just a bit better than him and training with him every day improved my speed, strength and combat skills. Weapons classes also helped my technics, I knew how to handle many different weapons, not just daggers.
"Hey, gorgeous. Where are you heading?" Asher called me as I was walking out of my room. What does he want?
"I'm going to my brother's room."
"You have a brother?"
"You have a brother and never bothered telling us?" I heard someone ask from behind me. It was Saige and the others. They just came out of the dorm room and must've heard Asher.
"None of you asked," I said with my head forward still walking while Asher was next to me and the rest were behind me.
"Can we meet him? I wonder if he's as hot as you." Akemi asked.
"Sure why not. Just a warning. We are the same just two years apart."
"Don't say that, I might fall in love with him" Asher said, causing me to roll my eyes.
I finally reached my brother's room and opened the door. As I walked in, I was shocked to see that it was clean, cleaner than his room back home. "Hey little sis, I'm in the kitchen", I heard Daniel shout.
"Ok, we'll wait for you in here."
"We? Are there more people with you?"
"Yea, a couple of people, they wanted to meet you so get done in there." We sat down on the couches and a few seconds later I heard footsteps growing louder as Daniel got closer to the lounge area where we were sitting. Daniel walked into the room wearing nothing but a pair of black sweatpants and white socks. All the boys in the room turned their heads as soon as they saw Daniel's abs. I get why Asher would look away but why Jackson and Saige? I thought to myself.
"Put on a shirt, you have guests," I told him.
"I wasn't expecting you to bring people over, I'm going to put on a shirt now, I just wanted to see who you brought with."
"This is Jackson, Saige, Akemi and Asher." As soon as I said Asher's name Daniel gave me this look and I knew what he was asking me. He was asking me if this was the same Asher I was talking about a few weeks ago. I gave him a simple nod and he walked away. He came back with the black T-shirt I bought him last year. It was plain on the front but on the back it said "I love my sister." i got it as a joke for his birthday.
"Your brother is Daniel Swordsman, as in the best assassin in the school?" Asher asked.
"Yea, we have the same last name, what did you expect? Plus, I thought you were the best."
"I'm just below him, I'm the best in our grade."
"You sure live up to the Swordsman name don't you," I said as I turned to face my brother who was just standing there with his hands in his pockets.
"Always, and I hope you do the same little sis."
"Of course I will, I'm already better than this fucker right here and I just joined this school," I said as I pointed to Asher.
"Good, but you're still not better than me."
"Not yet, but I will beat you, that I can promise you."
"Whatever you say, little sis."

Daniel's pov
Time passed and we were just having fun. I was happy to see Scarlett having fun with the people she could be herself around, but I could tell she didn't trust them fully yet. The one person I really didn't trust was Asher, I had a bad feeling about him, but I didn't think Scarlett had noticed it yet. I swear if you break her heart, I'm going to break your neck.
We were together the whole afternoon, and everyone was about to leave but I told Asher to stay behind so that I could talk to him. I gave Scarlett a nod letting her know that everything would be fine. As soon as she left, I closed the door behind her and turned to Asher who was sitting on the couch with his elbows on his knees and his fingers locked together. "What are your intentions with my sister?" I asked him coldly.
"What do you mean?" He asked with a confused look on his face.
"Your intentions, what are they? You think I didn't notice how you're always staring at her with this look in your eyes, how if you guys keep eye contact for too long you start to blush ever so slightly and look away quickly. I see you fucker, so tell me what do you want with my fucking sister?"
"I like her dude. I really like her. She is so hot and fierce."
"That's it? She's hot and fierce, that's all you got?"
"What else is there?"
"I'll let you figure that out yourself. Get out" I told him before shutting the door behind him. I don't trust him, not one bit. I have to tell her.
Later that evening I called Scarlett and told her. "I don't trust him. I goy a bad feeling about this guy, little sis."
"Maybe you're just being paranoid. I know you're just trying to look out for me, I get it, you're my older brother and no one is ever going to be good enough for me."
"Yea exactly, but if they are I promise I will let you know, but right now I'm telling you, he's not worth it."
"I know you love me but you have to let me go. I'm not a kid anymore, I'm 18, I'm an adult."
"A baby adult, but you're still my younger sister. I know you've never felt this way about a guy before, but I don't want you to get your heart broken."
"I promise you, I'll be fine if he's not the one, so be it, but I'll never know if I don't give it a shot."
"Fine, fine, but if he hurts you, I'm going to murder him."
"You can't, that's against the rules remember."
"You're such a rule follower. Where's my partner in crime?"
"She's still here don't worry, just not while I'm still new to the school."
"Atta girl."
"Yea, yea whatever bye, I love you, big bro."
"I love you too, little sis."
Why do you have to be so stubborn?

It was getting late and I had class in the morning so I got ready for bed and went to lay under my blankets. The next thing I knew I was sound asleep. 

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