A Monster Among Men

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Colt couldn't process everything very well. He paced his room for hours, mulling over what had happened last night and the news he received in the morning.

Sheriff Jim had passed away. His tongue was swollen and by the looks of it he had suffered some type of convulsion in his sleep. Everyone was deeply trouble by the news of their beloved Sheriff passing so horrifically, but no one was as upset as Horley. That was partly the reason why Colt couldn't tell his father what Ezekiel was. He would just think he was crazy, and it would set him off.

Anxiety ate away at the young man's insides, causing him to feel sick and nauseous all of a sudden. He hadn't eaten since he woke up or even left his room. Somehow it seemed safer inside with all the windows barred and the door secured shut. At least no one would be able to get in- and by no one he meant that new lawman.

Colt started to pace once again until he heard footsteps arriving outsteps his door. From beneath the frame, he could make out a black shadow. It stood there for a moment, as if trying to listen in until the grave voice of his father spoke from the other side.

"Son? You still in bed?"

The man let out a silent sigh of relief, grateful that it was just his father. He made his way towards the door, trying to look a little presentable before revealing himself.

"I'm alright. Had a bad dream-."

The second the door swung open, Ezekiel burst through. He covered the man's mouth with his gloved hand as he shut them both inside. A terrified and angry Colt tried to break free, but the other pushed him on the bed with his mouth still shut.

"I haven't seen ya all mornin', darlin'. Really is a shame you don't like me no more."

Colt felt his heart picking up speed as the other hovered over him, slowly letting go of his face once he was sure the other wouldn't scream.

"Now that wasn't so hard-."


Ezekiel latched on to the man again, grabbing a spare bandana as he shoved it deeply into his mouth. He secured his hands and feet and tossed him on the ground, making his way over to a chair. Once he was made himself comfortable and was sure the other couldn't move, he began to talk again.

"I let you live, boy, so I suggest you stop makin' this harder for the both of us."

Colt quickly nodded, attempting to deescalate the situation. Ezekiel still didn't free him, however, and instead sighed as he looked away from the trembling mess before him.

"I didn't come to your town to start trouble with you. I have business to do, and then I will disappear. Don't ask me what it is cuz I can't tell you."

The tied-up man groaned a little, attempting to find a way out of the situation he was in until the other abruptly stood up and hovered over him. Somehow, he knew he wasn't going to get hurt and the thought alone caused him to relax. It was still unsettling not knowing what he was doing, and it only got worse when he saw the other's pants and flesh just fall to the floor.

Colt quickly looked up, one eyebrow raised to the ceiling as he noticed his companion was once again naked- but no longer human. He was pitch black from head to toe. Blacker than night. He didn't even know if it was possible for something to be so opaque especially in broad daylight.

"This is who I truly am, Colt. Fall down a dark path and continue to walk it- you'll become just like me."

Ezekiel was terrifying if not positively revolting to look at, Colt thought. He somehow managed to spit out the bandana after struggling for a while and harshly whispered, "Get away from me devil!"

"So rude. And here I thought your ol' daddy raised a nice boy."

"To hell with being nice. I thought you were my friend and you- you caused Mr. Crowley to die. I bet you even killed the damn Marshal! You wanna fuck me up too?!"

Ezekiel was about to protest, but he rested a claw underneath his chin and grinned, revealing a row of sharp teeth. "Not entirely."

Colt immediately looked away, fumbling with his restraints as he attempted to break free. "I know who you are and I am sure as hell going to tell my father and whoever takes Jim's place. You mark my words."

"Oh, they will find out. Mark my words. This business of mine involves your father and the people in this town. Just not you."

"Wh-what do you mean? You're not going to kill him are you?"

Ezekiel stayed quiet, then turned his head towards the door as if he was aware someone was coming. Picking the man up, he flung him back onto the bed and kicked his own skin off to the side.

"What are you doing?" Colt sneered, unable to move as Ezekiel threw the sheets over both their bodies. The creature pointed a deadly claw at the man's lips, ordering him to play along as soon as the doors flung open.

Horley's son was nervous, unsure of who had broken in until he heard the sweet, soft voice of Jessica. It seemed she had heard his cry for help and immediately ran up from outside to make sure he was okay. He guessed everything that was going on must have put her on edge.

"Mistah Townsend? Are ye alright? Thought I heard somethin'."

Colt didn't know how to respond at first and decided he should just pretend she had woken him up from a nap. Trying to muster up a tired face, he awkwardly poked his head out from underneath the sheets and gave a fake yawn.

"Hmm? Oh, hello Jessica. I'm fine, but I'm not dressed." 

The old woman with red hair tied up in a slick bun bowed her head, placing her hand over her heart in relief. "I thought somethin' mighta happened. Your...father is still in his office. Perhaps, ye should see 'em. He doesn't seem too well."

Colt nodded without a word, watching as the woman excused herself and departed from the room. He felt for his father, who was surely smoking himself to death at the moment. Speaking of smoking...

The man sniffed once he caught whiff of that familiar damn smell Ezekiel was always surrounded with. He quickly checked under the covers to see what the other was doing, and it was only then that he realized he was alone. Not only that, but he no longer had any restraints on. Had he hallucinated everything?

"Still here." Came the damn, monstrous voice directly from the other side of the room. It seemed his unholy 'friend' was pulling his skin back together like it was clothes. Colt shivered, bringing the blankets up to his chest as he watched the scene with fear and interest.

"I'm glad I amuse you. Now if you'll be so kind as to treat me how you've always treated me from here on out."

"I've only known you for a week. Not much can be said about how I should treat you, especially when you aren't even human. I don't know what you are, who you are, what you were doing in that cemetery. I don't even know if I can trust you." Colt was amazed at the strength he had mustered to finally put on a brave front. Ezekiel didn't mind it either, after all he was familiar with the man's spirit. He had known it for ages. It had travelled from one individual to the other, until finally their paths had met again. That was why he couldn't get rid of Colt even if he wanted to. The guilt would come back.

"I will explain. Just not my purpose here."

Colt pressed his jaw together, breathing in deeply as he slowly slid out of the bed.

"Fine. But I don't want you in my house and I need air. We're going for a walk."

"Lead the way."

He Goes On All Fours - A Western Monster RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now