A Former Lover

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Ezekiel couldn't stop glancing back and forth at Emma and Colt. He didn't know what to say, not even as the woman approached the two like they were all close friends. The creature hadn't seen her in ages, but despite their history he didn't feel comfortable at all.

"Who's this? No...don't tell me. He looks like he could be your brother."

"Emma." Ezekiel immediately snapped back to reality, clearing his throat as he protectively tried to shield Colt from his ex lover.

"He's my friend. And your arrival...is unexpected."

Emma gave a flirtatious wave to Colt, who tried to give a gentle greeting despite feeling a little embarrassed and confused. He focused his attention back to Ezekiel who seemed flustered and also unsure of what to do. With a sigh, the sick man slowly began to slide away from his companion. He emitted a fake yawn, rubbing his groggy eyes as he attempted to focus on his destination.

"Ah. I'll be heading home now. We will speak later...about my father." Colt recalled the previous conversation before the unexpected woman showed up and accidentally let out a loud sigh. He rose his eyes, staring at Ezekiel's dead, cold stare with a hint of sternness.

"Tomorrow. Without fail, Sheriff."

Ezekiel wanted to respond, but he could do nothing as he watched his favorite human begin to walk away. As if noticing the longing in his stare, Emma nudged her old flame, "I'm terribly sorry for ruining your date."

"...What in the livin' hell are you doin' here. Are you followin' me?"

"You think too much of yourself, Ezekiel." Emma scoffed, rolling her eyes as she rested the palm of her her hand against her corset. She breathed in deeply, examining the town around her with a somewhat pleased look in her eye.

"Gravefalt is booming. Don't be surprised if more folks come riding this way."

Ezekiel sighed in annoyance, taking out a cigarette from his pocket. He stared at it as he twirled it around his finger tips before hesitantly placing it on his lips.

"Still smoking?" Emma asked in a low voice, watching as her long lost companion sparked the end of his death stick. She breathed in the fumes as he exhaled them, smiling to herself as a sea of buried memories began to resurface. Ezekiel said nothing as he leaned back against the saloon wall, offering her a small puff which she took.

"You came out of nowhere. I wish you would've written me a letter before you arrived."

"Are you bothered by my presence?" Emma questioned, licking her lips as she handed the cigarette back. Ezekiel shook his head, trying not to focus on the disembodied figures beginning to manifest around them.

"It's not your presence that bothers me," the creature lifted his head a little, noticing a rather tall and lanky thing beginning to limp towards the two. Emma didn't notice it, however. She never did see them.

Years ago, Ezekiel had met Emma in a saloon. Their relationship was intense, but unhealthy. The monster always felt Emma was much too involved in her work and warned that she would attract all types of negative energy if she continued. The woman never did listen, and that was when the dark entities began to show up.

Ezekiel wasn't afraid of them, but rather annoyed. They clung around the human like a sickness, and wherever she went they followed. He could no longer withstand the heaviness in the air every time she was around him, and therefore left her without a word. The loss of his former lover never affected him, but he was unaware of how much it had damaged Emma.



"Are you still workin'?"

"Of course not," She let out a small scoff, as if offended by his words. "My husband is a noble man who provides for me. I no longer work."

Ezekiel studied the corpse before him, staring at those dead, wide eyes which showed no emotion. He inhaled his cigarette deeply, blowing the smoke out with annoyance. Even in death, Emma's former clients still stuck to her like parasites. The fact that she was the only important thing in their life when they were alive was pathetic.

"Well I am workin', darlin'. I expect you to stay out of my way. Understood?"

"I wouldn't dream of getting in the Sheriff's way. Just what are you doing here exactly? Jesús nor his men never told me what you were up to."

Ezekiel shook his head, refusing to open up, "It's business. But if I were you I'd march out of town before it's too late."

Emma's teasing smile suddenly faded, and a very serious look took over her face. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously, staying quiet for a moment before asking, "Just what in the hell are you planning on doing here?"

"I don't want you to get involved. I can only say this town won't have a future soon."

A heavy silence grew between the two as Emma had no clue how to respond. She was aware of Ezekiel' s work, but his dark magic was always focused on a singular individual. To have an entire town pay meant that something much more serious was at play. The human knew it was better than to ask for details.

"I must go." Ezekiel finally broke the calm, tossing his cigarette on the floor as he smothered it underneath his boot. "It's gettin' late and I have yet to feed." He didn't even wait for a goodbye from his ex before immediately hoping off the porch and escaping into the night.

The awkward confrontation between him and Emma was over. Now, however, another problem was on the horizon.


He would tell him everything about his father and Graveflat from beginning to end. There was no knowing what would occur or what the young man would do, but there was no doubt going to be some conflict...

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