Chapter 23

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Wahid was finally warming up to Imaan as he found her more adorable than annoying, no matter how much he tried, he wasn't able to hate her, as the days went by, he found her antics heartwarming, the things she did would normally irritate him but as the days went by he was unable to hate her,

Like now, she was trying to start a conversation with him while he was going through his documents in his office, his attention was wholly diverted to her voice but he still pretended to be engrossed in his work.

"Today, a few of my friends from school contacted me through Facebook! You might not remember them but they had this huge crush on you, they were surprised when I told them about our marriage, haha, hey! do you remember Rose? And Ella?"


Imaan secretly smiled in her heart, although her husband is introverted to the core, he's still the best for her, I mean who would want an overly smiley husband? What if he smiles at other women one day?

After chatting with her husband, she left the office abruptly, Wahid looked at her back confused, she usually waited for him to finish his work and accompany him to dinner, so he silently followed her to their bedroom,

When inside she suddenly stopped and turned towards him with a victorious smile on her face, he stared at her face in a trance,

'has she been always this cute?' A thought went across his mind as he unconsciously smiled making Imaan shocked,

'Wow! This is better than expected! These internet people are indeed very helpful, I can't believe this is my husband! So cute! Ahhhhh my heart!'

Despite the whole damn zoo in her stomach, she put a hand on her hip and asked arrogantly "You! Why are you following me? Didn't you like me?",

"Move dumbass, I left a document here," Wahid said coldly without skipping a beat as the smile vanished from his face, he had understood her intentions, he shoved her aside and proceeded to take a random document from the shelf,

Imaan looked at him bewildered as she did not expect him to do that

'One day! One day I'll take my revenge surely! You just wait!' she thought with a pout on her face, which Wahid found very adorable, Although he liked her slightly better than before. He's still reluctant to start a real relationship with her, having a partner and forming a family is still a very hard thing for him to accept.

To be frank, he's not into commitments, what if one day he likes another woman who's better than her? What if at that time he has already started a family with Imaan? Wouldn't that be regretful? Thoughts like this drove him crazy, one side of him wants to accept her directly but the other side wants nothing to do with her.

Imaan left angrily downstairs and began eating without waiting for him as she always does,

'how dare he push me! I thought he was about to hug me, how embarrassing!'

Wahid soon followed her and sat down to eat, ignoring her angry stare, he fought the urge to smile, and instead smirked at her teasingly.

'This does it!'

She stood up angrily and left after washing her hands, leaving her food on the table, which was barely touched, Wahid frowned as he looked at her plate, he ate quickly and brought her food upstairs to their room, where he saw her engrossed in her mobile phone which he had given her permission to use, it was actually an old phone of his which he didn't like anymore, he had given it to her so she would leave him alone,

Buying a new phone would not make a dent in his bank account but at that time he simply didn't want to buy one for her, the only person he willingly bought anything for is his little brother, but now looking at her, he feels like he owes her something.

'she is doing many things to please me, maybe I should reward her' He thought as put her plate in front of her,

"Eat, don't show your anger towards the food" he gently said looking into her eyes which brightened up as soon as he started to speak, such beautiful eyes, lightened up just by his voice, he noticed.

"U-m th-anks" she stuttered and started to eat under his watchful eyes, forgetting her previous anger, what anger? what phone?

'c'mon stop staring! The zoo is getting more crowded!'

Not being able to hold back, she glanced up at him but quickly looked back down embarrassed, he was still smiling at her with that damn look! This is the first time she has seen this look on his face.

Seeing her eat obediently he stretched out his hand to touch her face, feeling his hand on her face, Imaan coughed profusely not expecting it at all, Wahid quickly withdrew his hand and looked at her awkwardly not knowing what to do.

"Wa- Wat- wAter!" Imaan said shaking his shoulder, he quickly stretched out his hands under the bed and took out his water bottle and gave it to her,

Imaan swallowed the water while still coughing, which turned out to be a bad thing as she felt as if her lungs were on fire! Wahid looked at her struggling expression and fought the urge to laugh, he awkwardly patted her back, trying to soothe her but this turned out to be a very bad move as her coughing situation worsened,

She quickly ran to the bathroom and shut the door, leaving her husband alone on the bed, he finally could not hold it and laughed, remembering her pitiful expression, he laughed even more clutching his stomach.

Imaan heard his laughter and blushed, she looked at her miserable figure in the mirror and blushed harder hiding her face, she thought about his behaviour today,

At first, he was mean, but then he became caring and now he's laughing at me! This man will soon drive me crazy!'

She quickly washed her face and opened the bathroom door, she was surprised to see the room empty but didn't give it a thought and continued eating.

At that time, Wahid was inside his office as he slightly slapped himself for falling for her charm

'What an enchantress'

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