Chapter 16

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'Did he really do it for me?'

The flower she adore fell from her hands as she ran to sit beside her husband grinning widely,

Although Wahid was surprised by her actions he was more annoyed with her disturbing him yet again

"You didn't go because you wanted to spend time with me?" Imaan asked excited,

"Not really," Wahid said blankly not wanting to waste any time with her and concentrated on his laptop,

"Aww Come on!" Imaan whined disappointingly picking up the flower which she let fall before,

"What did you expect? That I am going take a day off to spend some time with you?"

Imaan's eyes turned glassy on hearing his words

Her grip on the poor flower which resembles the sun tightened causing it to crumble

She sniffled silently and didn't reply to his harsh question as she knows she'll only break down so she tried to change the subject,

"You know you can't speak to your friend like this or did you forget that we are friends?" She asked slowly stressing out the word friend

Wahid sighed annoyed and looked at her with a blank face

"What do you wanna establish?" He asked grimly with a dead stare

"That we are friends and now treat me like one as I'm sure you don't treat Pete like how I am being treated now!" Imaan exclaimed frustrated, it was surprising for her to speak like this, the only person she spoke with as she did with her husband now was with her childhood best friend and that was when they were both little.

"How you are being treated?" Wahid asked even though the answer was obvious he just really asked the question because her being frustrated amused him

He liked how she makes him feel like he was the only person she has and how she was begging for his attention

He smirked slightly seeing her being more frustrated and flushed at his question,

Imaan clutched her Abaya trying to control her temper which she, unfortunately, could not

"Like a pimple on your face!Like a piece of chewing gum stuck on your shoe!Like a nuisance!" She exclaimed looking at him angrily or so she thought

'Cute' Wahid thought looking at her 'angry' face before laughing like he heard the best joke ever

He was laughing hard holding onto the light post beside him but immediately took it back noticing dust on them before continuing to laugh again at her glare

Imaan's lips trembled as she saw him laughing at her miserable state

Tears pooled around her eyes as she tried hard to keep them at bay

Wahid glanced at her with one eye closed while laughing and was surprised to see her looking at him with a broken expression on her face

Noticing his gaze She quickly stood up and tried to run back to the car before she felt a pull on her right hand she was pulled back and met with a hard chest she turned back and refused to meet his eyes and only looked at his chest

'Why do I always hurt her?' Wahid asked himself as he connected their foreheads

He kept his one hand on her waist and used one hand to raise her head to meet his eyes

Imaan flushed realising how close they were

She tried to avert her eyes but soon stopped when he saw him looking at her disapprovingly

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