Is This How It Is? Is This How It's Always Been?

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Clothes were folded haphazardly and stuffed into a suitcase that was just barely not sliding off the side of a bed. Every time something new was thrown in, it moved just that little bit more. Gradually teetering on the edge like someone about to jump out of the side of a helicopter. The suitcase clinging onto the bed was situated inside a bedroom of a fairly decent sized house, not massive but certainly not small either. The house probably seemed bigger considering it was meant for a family but only two people actually lived there. They were a family I suppose, since they were father and daughter and they were the only ones in that immediate part of the family. The bedroom was more rectangular than it was square, with a double bed along the same wall as the door and a large paned window opposite that. There was a dressing table on the same wall as the window, opposite the door specifically, and an en-suite perpendicular to the bed. Near to the entrance of the bathroom was a set of drawers and a wardrobe. Finally there was a desk on the other side of the window, notebooks and pens scattered everywhere.

"Are you going to help me or not?" Questioned Georgia as she ran out of the en-suite carrying her wash bag. "I still have loads to pack."

"Maybe you should have packed before the day we're going" responded Joey, laying back on the bed and deciding to carry on scrolling on his phone rather than look up. "Just a suggestion."

"I was doing college work" said Georgia, pulling open one of the drawers.

"Why? It's summer" replied Joey, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Obviously I know that" said Georgia. "I just wanted to get it all out of the way before we left so I wasn't worrying about it when we got back."

"Right" replied Joey, rolling his eyes and laughing a little.

Georgia Riley, a first year college student, had medium length ginger hair that went down just below her shoulders and greyish blue eyes that never really moved no matter what facial expression she was providing. She had light and slightly pale skin that wouldn't necessarily tan when sat in sunlight for a while but it wouldn't burn either. People saw her as smart, kind, and determined. Essentially she was the walking embodiment of the girl next door in every single early 2000's teen movie. She sometimes quiet but people still knew she existed and that was probably because of her best friend Joey Lane. He, also a first year college student, had jet black hair that was average length and always sat perfectly groomed on top of his head. Never once had Georgia seen a hair out of place and she was honestly scared for the day that she might. Everyone saw Joey as outgoing, friendly, and charismatic. He was the extrovert and Georgia was the introvert gradually becoming the former. They were always together and Georgia probably wouldn't know as many people as she did if it wasn't for Joey. Hence this trip he invited her on.

"So, tell me everything I need to know before we get there" said Georgia, continueing to pack her suitcase.

"Like what?" Replied Joey, rolling over slightly so he could look at her.

"Like who everyone is and what they're like and how out of place I'm going to feel around all these stupidly rich people" said Georgia. "Basically I just want to know what I should and shouldn't say around people who could fund my entire life without ever worrying about how much it's going to cost."

"They aren't that rich" replied Joey, smirking.

"They're rich enough" said Georgia, smirking as well.

"Alright so there's Connor, he's the cousin and we're going to be staying at his house" replied Joey.

"Like, his house or his family's house?" Wondered Georgia, squinting.

"His family's house" responded Joey, shaking his head. "Out of everyone you're most likely going to meet they have the least money because a lot of it's from shares."

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