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Anna's POV

I wish this isn't a facade. I hope this is real. Me in my wedding dress, sitting in front of the mirror, admiring being a beautiful bride and patiently waiting for the time to go say yes to the man of my dreams. But this is the total opposite, I am admiring myself right now but I don't admire the type of life I am living. 

I don't like the fact that I am getting married today to a man I don't love and who doesn't love me. I like Aidan for being a strong, hardworking man and for being the father of my baby but I also dislike him a lot.

Our wedding is going to be a small one in the church nearby the house. He suggested we move before the wedding but I told him I want to get married in the house where I grew up. Mother can move to the house he bought for us after the wedding, when I am already in his house.

I know Aidan isn't proud of me. He isn't proud to call me his wife, what he did on the day of the award was just a show-off. If he is proud of me, we wouldn't be doing this wedding in a small way. 

Getting married to the youngest billionaire ought to be a great show off and done in a big way, even though I don't like it too. I am ok with it though because I can continue living my life the way I want. I don't want the media's attention. I want a quiet life, free of dramas. Besides, what Aidan and I have isn't real, becoming famous will reveal the truth sooner.

I pity Tessa a lot for the type of humiliation she went through on the day of the award night. At first, I felt she deserved it but after a while, knowing I might soon become a public figure like her and any little mistake on my part can cause havoc and humiliation, I felt for her greatly. I have no idea how Aidan got rid of all the pictures taken on the award night but I feel grateful for it.

Nobody knows me as the bride of Aidan, except for those I came in contact with on the day of the award. We invited just a few people and I am sure Aidan's father doesn't know today is his wedding day. His mother is aware and I am hoping she will come. 

She barely goes out of her room and I saw how hurt Aidan was when she told him she had no intention of moving out of her husband's house. As he drove me home, I thought I saw him wipe a quick tear off his face. I felt for him.

I decided to help him by visiting his mother the next day and trying to convince her but I didn't succeed. She was adamant. I bumped into Aidan on my way out and all hell broke loose. 

He insulted him for interfering in his affairs when I told him the reason for the visit. I talked back at him and he asked me to leave. I left. He didn't call me for days and I thought he was going to call the wedding off.

But here I am dressed up in a white flowing wedding dress with brown designs in front of the dress. My face is made up and I look extremely beautiful. My lashes are long and full, my brows are finely drawn and my lips are looking beautiful with the lipstick Pamela applied for me. 

We went shopping with her two days ago to get all the things we would be needing for the wedding. Pamela was more excited than I am because I was getting married to her boyfriend's best friend. Pamela was going to be my bridesmaid while her boyfriend, Richard, was going to be the best man.

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