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Aidan's POV

I pack my things, close the laptop, and put the important files inside the drawer before locking it. When I am done, I pick up the briefcase and go out. 

"Good night, sir", Chloe greets me.

"Goodnight, Chloe", I say in response before walking to the elevator. 

Changing is much easier for me than I expected it will be even though some things are quite difficult for me. I have been worried about Anna since noon and I am closing early just to go check up on her. 

By the time I was home yesterday, she was already asleep again and I asked Tania about her health. Tania says she is fine but I still don't feel ok with it. 

This morning, when I was coming to work, I went into her bedroom to see her sleeping too. I was worried that she was sleeping too much so I went back to Tania and asked her to dish out her food and wake her up to eat.

To be honest, I thought maybe something happened to Anna during the night and I wanted to be rest assured that she is truly fine and alive with my request for Tania to wake her up. When Tania woke her up and she turned to face her, I heaved a sigh of relief before going out unnoticed.

I hope she is fine and will be fine. The doctor says something about depression and I feel responsible for it. He gave me some tips on how to make sure it doesn't affect her mental health in the long run and I am hoping to work on it, if not for me but for the maids.

I will no longer stop her from associating with the maids, I will no longer stop her from inviting her mother over and I will also grant her permission to visit my mother anytime she wants it.

I move out of the elevator when it gets to the ground floor. I bring out my car keys and take long strides to my car. I open it and get in.

I know mother would be proud of me if only she is living with us to see the changes in me. I will make sure to visit her soon, so I can tell her what is happening. I smile. 

My head is filled with different thoughts as I drive home. I am thinking about all the things I need to do in the coming weeks, concerning work and my effort to change completely so no one can ever compare me with my father. It's been a while since we last saw each other. 

Even though I hate him, I hope he is fine and not mistreating my mother anymore. I already told him I will ruin him if he touches her again. He was scared that I would stick to my word because I saw the fear in his face.

Before I know it, I am home already. I park the car in the driveway and walk inside with my briefcase. I am making a mental note to remember to tell Chloe to book me a flight next month. I have finally decided to go on a vacation with Lily. I would have gone with Anna too but I know she will be uncomfortable with my presence so I think I will have to go with Tania instead, to look after my baby.

I get in and see a maid coming in my direction. When she raises her head, I see it is the head maid. She is Natalie, she bears my mother's name and reminds me of my mother with her grey-colored hair.

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