The interrogation Part 2

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POV Amiral Aokiji (Kuzan)

When he saw his superior leave the room following the announcement made by the soldier earlier, Kuzan did the same. His mission was to prepare the defense of MarineFord following the announcement of the execution of Ace with the Burning Fists, any information was good to take.

Once the door of the interrogation room closed, the three men went to the adjoining room where Garp and Kizaru were waiting for them. They were still staring at the girl who stayed in the other room while chatting about her. The entrance of the three men visibly interrupted the conversation, as they instinctively gathered around their superior.

Seeing that the soldier dared not speak, Aokiji encouraged him to start.

Soldier: "Gentlemen, as I said, we have received information regarding Whitebeard's crew. Our spy contacted us less than 15 minutes ago and the news is rather disturbing. According to him, the Whitebeard Pirates are all meeting as we speak. A priori, all the commanders of the fleet found themselves with their crew, a potential army of 1600 men.

Kizaru: Was he able to give us the location of the crew?

Soldier: Unfortunately no, we were interrupted before he could transmit the position to us, however, we know that they will soon be moving towards MarineFord. I don't have any other information at this time.

Sengoku: Alright, thank you, soldier, you may dispose of.

As soon as he received the order to leave, the soldier turned around and left the room without asking for his rest, visibly intimidated by so many high-ranking officers in the same room.

Aokiji made a mental note of the information. Most important was the number of pirates gathered. Admittedly, during the meetings, they had planned to put in place 100,000 soldiers to protect the base during the execution, but opposite, a single member of the crew of Whitebeard was equivalent to fifty well-trained soldiers and above all, there was Whitebeard himself, the man considered the strongest in the world. This is why Aokiji asked to contact the Warlords so that the execution takes place without interruption.

After a brief silence, Aokiji saw Sengoku go to the window to observe the blonde girl, before suddenly turning around.

Sengoku: Okay, we'll discuss the "Whitebeard" issue at the strategy meeting later. For the moment, I would like to have your first impressions of this child.

It was Kizaru who spoke first, he wanted to explain in detail his meeting with the young girl calling herself Tanya, as for the analysis of her behavior during the interrogation, it was quite vague and without too much precision...

This did not surprise Aokiji, because he knew his counterpart very well, the theoretical and analytical approach did not particularly fascinate him. Despite appearances, he was a man of the field, which is why he insisted on the fighting potential of the kid.

As for me, Aokiji continued, if we put aside her fighting skills, I find the way she expresses herself as well as the answers she gave us a little curious.

Kuzan let a short silence hang, he took the opportunity to pull a chair that was stored under the table and sat down, leaning on the table before continuing.

"I find it strange that she has no memory of before meeting Kizaru apart from this orphanage story. I feel like she's hiding something from us.

On top of that, what amazes me the most is her lack of knowledge about the world, especially when it comes to devil fruits. I agree that in some places in this world devil fruits are just legends to scare children. But as far as she is concerned, nothing. And I don't think she lied to us about it, her surprise sounded sincere."

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