The end of the war

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POV : Tanya Von Degurechaff

Location: Somewhere in Marineford

The mysterious woman was still holding the golden hair of Tanya, who was gradually able to use her body again. However, the girl decided to continue to remain inactive, not to engage in a fight for the time being, as she couldn't assess whether her body could withstand another direct confrontation.

Although she wanted to continue pretending that she was under the effects of the sedative, the task became more and more complicated as the pain became noticeable again. Besides, being pulled by the hair wasn't helping.

Tanya still didn't know where her captor wanted to take her, the streets they took didn't make sense to her, sometimes going back and forth in the same streets they had taken a few minutes earlier.

Most of the surrounding buildings seemed to be partially or completely destroyed. "It'll take some time to rebuild the island as it was originally," Tanya said quietly to herself. Although she had only recently arrived in this world, she felt a kind of nostalgia for these places. Her habits in certain corners of the city had allowed her to quickly become familiar and almost feel at home.

When they reached a small street that was safe from prying eyes, Tanya noticed a restaurant that seemed to have been relatively untouched by the fighting, although its facade was damaged and the inside of the building turned upside down.

Curious, her captor went inside Tanya in tow, still being dragged by her hair.

As her eyesight adjusted to the darkness, Tanya looked at the interior of the restaurant as she had been able to see it from the outside: The tables had all been overturned, the few chairs still seemed to be standing despite the many shocks caused by the leader of the Whitebeard Pirates. In some parts of the restaurant, broken plates could be seen, sometimes with food scraps still on them. "So some civilians didn't comply with the evacuation order... I wonder if they managed to escape the fighting. " Tanya wondered as she continued her observation.

When they reached the center of the large room, the woman grabbed the girl under her arms and carried her to a chair in front of a table. Not wanting to attract attention, Tanya slumped down in the chair to make it look like the sedative was still working. Looking straight ahead, Tanya noticed a man leaning against the counter of the restaurant. Next to him were empty wine bottles and a few empty plates.

"Zehahaha, I thank you, my dear Catarina Devon, for bringing me the person who seems to have incurred the wrath of one of the four emperors. As he said these words, the man rose from his chair and turned to Tanya, who continued to stare at him wordlessly.

The man in front of her was about forty years old, had a rather strong body and some broken or lost teeth. His nose was quite prominent, but not as much as that of the woman who seemed to be standing below him. A long black beard adorned his chin, and his hair, which was the same color as his beard, was half covered by a typical pirate hat. He wore green pants with strange patterns on them. A yellow belt around his waist allowed him to keep a liquor bottle and three flintlock pistols within reach. A redshirt partially concealed the three weapons and his hairy chest.

"No problem, Captain," Catarina replied, taking the first chair nearby to sit in front of the bar and drink the alcohol that was on the counter.

Face to face, Tanya looked at the man standing in front of her. He was not at all unknown,

appearing in the daily newspaper at least once a week, and Tanya had recognized him quickly enough. Blackbeard, the great privateer who was indirectly responsible for this war. The capture of Portgas D. Ace had been carried out by him, earning him the rank of Warlord, whereas only a few weeks ago he had been unknown to the public. When his gaze met hers, she recognized a deep, dark malice that made her uncomfortable.

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