Chapter 24....

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"The roads are clear."

"Seriously?" I turned around and almost tripped over the leggings I was currently trying to put on. Logan's lips twitched as he nodded.

"We can head out whenever you're ready."

While it's been pretty great being trapped here for Christmas I was ready to go see my family. It was only 9 o'clock in the morning and we only had about an hour and a half left to get to Aubrey's mom's place. We'd have plenty of time to get there and still celebrate Christmas with everyone.

"Give me 5 minutes." I didn't even hesitate before I was yanking my leggings the rest of the way up. I jumped around the room to get them on as I went to put the rest of my stuff in my suitcase.

Logan was already dressed and ready to go as he leaned against the wall and watched me. I was like a hurricane as I scrambled to make sure I didn't leave anything behind. Most of our stuff was still in his truck but better safe than sorry.

Five minutes exactly I was done. Breathing heavy from all the running around I looked over the room once more. A pang went through my chest at the fact we were leaving. It was here things between Logan and I shifted. We weren't the same two people that walked through the door two days ago.

After last night everything seemed to have changed between us. I don't know if we both thought it was a casual thing. That we were in the moment and things happened. But last night made this things between us more than just a casual fling.

I for sure thought I would wake up to Logan avoiding me, embarrassed about what happened, but instead I woke up to him peppering kisses along my face. When he kissed my lips it was unlike any of our other kisses. Something deeper passing between us.

There was nothing rough or urgent when he slid inside of me. There was something intimate in the way he kept kissing my lips as he moved slowly. It was unlike anything I've ever felt. It had taken all my willpower not to admit I was falling for him in that moment.

"Ready?" Logan's voice brought me out of my thoughts. For the best because if I kept thinking about this morning I would say screw it and ask him to throw me on the bed and take me again.


Pulling my suitcase behind me I followed after Logan as he held the door open. I only made it a step towards the elevators when a hand on my elbow tugged me back. I turned wondering if he left something only for him to bring his hand up and tilt my chin upwards.

"Not sure when I'll be able to do this again." Not waiting for my response Logan pressed a kiss to my lips.

His lips were meant for me, molding perfectly together. His tongue traced the seam of my lips for a second before I opened my mouth. I don't think I could ever get use to kissing Logan. He took control in the kiss but not in a way that was unappealing. If I could I would kiss him every second of everyday.

He pulled back leaving me breathless. His thumb brushed across my bottom lip.

"I.." I couldn't form words. Logan just smirked before stepping back. Letting go of my chin he reached down and grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers. Without another word the two of us headed for the elevators.

He was right though. He won't be able to kiss me once we get to the house. Not with my brother there. A part of me was dying to ask what we were going to do. Were we serious enough to tell my brother? Did he even want something more with me? Was the last two days as big of a deal to him as it was me?

All those questions burned the tip of my tongue but I held back as we headed through the lobby. As much as I wanted those answers, right now I just wanted to soak up the moment. We only had a few hours before we were thrown back into reality. Later we'll have to have that conversation but for now I just wanted to keep holding Logan's hand.

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