Chapter 27....

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Banging on the door jerked Logan and I awake. I looked over at him with wide eyes, sleep instantly vanishing, hoping it wasn't who I thought it was on the other side. Logan didn't look at all worried as he stared at me.

"Get up! Foods ready." My brother yelled through the door. I waited for him to barge in but thankfully his footsteps retreated. I let out a sigh and fell back.

"That was close." I muttered, my heart racing. When Logan didn't say a word I glanced over at him. He was still staring at me, his lips tilted in a small smile. "What?"

"Go out with me."

I stilled at his words.


"Go out with me." He repeated. "As in a real date."

I sat there frozen not knowing what to say. Was I still dreaming? Is Logan seriously asking me out? Being startled awake was not helping.

"" My brain wasn't working. "You want to go out with me?"

"Yes." Logan looked at me in amusement.

"Uh." My brain was short circuiting. "You're not playing with me right? If so this is the biggest dick move ever."

"I'm not messing with you." Logan shook his head. His hands shot out and grabbed my waist, yanking me over him until I was straddling his waist. I peered down at him, heart beating so fucking fast in my chest.

"I'm tired of hiding how I feel about you."

I questioned if this was real but the feeling of his hands on my waist and something hard pressing between my legs I knew this was real. So I really am not dreaming.

My stomach erupted in butterflies. Logan wanted to date me. ME! I've wanted to hear those words from his lips for so long it felt surreal. What do I even say?

"Say yes."

My cheeks reddened at the fact I said that out loud. Logan stared up at me with a smile waiting for my answer. Acting like him asking me out wasn't such a huge deal. Seventeen year old me would never believe this was happening right now.

Say yes you idiot!

Why the hell was I hesitating! The man I've had a crush on for years is literally asking me out.

"Yes." The grin that appeared almost split my face in half. "Yes, I'll go out with you."

Logan's grin mirrored my own. My entire body buzzing. Bending down I placed a kiss on his lips, not even caring about my morning breath.

I grinned against his lips when I felt him harden even more underneath me. I really wish we were alone.

Pulling back I peered down at him feeling like I was on cloud 9. This was really happening. Logan and I.

"Are you sure?" I couldn't help but question.

"A hundred percent." He pecked my lips again. "You know what this means though." My stomach tightened as I knew what he was talking about.

"We have to tell my brother."

That was going to be fun. I inwardly winced already picturing his reaction. Knox didn't like me dating anyone, I doubt he was going to love me dating his best friend.

"Do we have to right now?" Maybe we could put it off for awhile.

"Better now than later." I closed my eyes and inwardly groaned. "It's going to be okay." Logan promised.

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