Ch-57 Got A Villa

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After getting ready, Lu Xi change her form into a bird and went out from the small gap of the window of her house and just flew away without noticed by any one.

This time she came out not for killing zombies or practicing. She came out for something special, for her space.

When she was flying in the sky, she was also looking down from time to time to search for her target.

But on her way she also saw many zombies roaming around and also them killing and attacking other humans. She couldn't bear to watch so many zombies and humans die but it also means crystal cores. So she directly released her consciousness power and killed all those zombies and then sucked their crystal cores into her space and went away.

Here, no one thought that when they were so desperate to save their lives suddenly all those zombies died without warning and they all were saved. And there were also military officers present who witnessed this scene but don't know the reason. But still every one was happy and they all cried with joy that they were saved.

After going from that place, Lu Xi didn't do anything else but was going further. She was going 30 km ahead, and that was her destination. A villa area.

Lu Xi was going there to look for a suitable villa to place in her space.

Soon after some time, Lu Xi reached there but what she saw she became confused and then shocked.

There were many villa build here, big, magnificent and lawns. They were all beautiful but she was looking for a villa, which was empty, where no one lives so that after apocalypse, there will not be any dead person or zombie could be seen there. Afterall she wants to place villa in her space, she doesn't want to dirty the space by placing bloody thing there.

She found many villas, they all look beautiful but there were people present there or in some places, one or two zombies can be seen, maybe they were housekeeper, watchman or servants. She didn't choose any of these and search further.

But she really found a villa which she really liked. 500 sq. MTR. place, enough for her and with greenery and big lawns without any living people or any zombie or dead body. She was completely satisfied with it, she came down and released her consciousness power to checked it once again then she looked around to see if there was anyone around, then placed her hand on the villa wall and covered the whole area with her consciousness, then directly placed the whole area with its lawn everything into her space.

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