Ch-66 All Type Powers

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He is imprisoned now for almost more than 150 years.

It's been so long, so long that now he doesn't even remember the first feeling when he was put inside in this cage like cave, from where he can't go out and not any other person can come inside.

Maybe he was angry or sad or resentful or maybe he didn't even felt anything at that moment. But now he really can't feel anything, no happiness, no sadness, no angry emotions, his emotions became so silent as if dead due to years of living alone in this deserted place. Sometime his slaves can come to him to talk to him but he was not much interested in them so he told them to come to him if there is nothing important.

But now he became a little interested when he heard that someone managed to made his blood essence surrender to 'him' and awaken it's powers but also controlled it well. It made him somewhat interested in that person, he wants to know exactly what is special about 'him' that he managed to do something what others can't and make his blood essence surrender and obedient to him, HIS BLOOD ESSENCE.

There was light shining in his eyes and a smile was hanging on his lips as if he found a interesting toy which can make his days more interested.

Very far away, in one residential building, in one house, Lu Xi was sitting inside of her space in her house and didn't know that someone was eyeing her and she became target of someone.

She focused on her practicing and cultivation of her powers and in this way she spent three days inside the space. After three days she opened her eyes, there was a golden light shining in those big phoenix eyes.

Now she got her answers, and her power increases alot now than before, Before she has only consciousness power, transformation power and then she also became fire power but now, now she has alot of powers, now she is except for fire power, she is also a water ability user, earth ability user, wind power user, light power user and her consciousness power is exactly a mind power which also expanded alot with her cultivation now. Maybe now she a all line power user.

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