LADY JEYNE, iv. poison kisses

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a song of ice and fire — AU ✧

╔════════════╗           LADY JEYNE       a song of ice and fire   — AU    ✧⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆

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"It's going to be like fucking a little boy."

The crass words fell from the lips of Theon Greyjoy, the ward of Lord Eddard Stark since his fathers failed rebellion. The last living son and heir of Balon Greyjoy was indecent to say the least but with his blood brothers killed in an attempt to secure independence for the Iron Islands and restore the Old Way, Robb Stark was the nearest thing he had to kin. For this reason it was that he relentlessly insulted the practically chest-less girl his friend had been unfortunate enough to be promised to.

"You got the short end of a stick, that's all I'm saying. There's Maegelle with songs about her golden cunt and you're going to be stuck with plain Jeyne who has smaller tits than some men I've seen." Theon prattled on, pulling his shirt off over his head as he waited his turn to be shaved.

         As the razor blade came into contact with his vulnerable skin, Robb threw Theon a disapproving glance whilst he came to the Redwyne's girls defence. "She's a sweet enough girl, I like her."

"Fondness is nothing— Rhaegar Targeryan was fond of Elia Martell." The ironborn scoffed, crossing his arms as he leant against the wooden surface. "Look how that ended up."

       "If you are implying that I'm going to run off with another woman, you can rest easy because that will not happen." Robb shot back, his tone playful still but as Tommy sheered the stubble clear of his face, he found himself becoming increasingly irritated by this vendetta his friend possessed towards Jeyne.

"I would not be surprised if you did." Theon stated casually, pondering Robb's fate pitifully as if being married to Jeyne would be a punishment for some sin.

      "What?" Theon pressed when he felt Robb's eyes narrow at him in disapproval. "Do you want to rip her clothes off every time you look at her?"

Whilst Robb was unimpressed with the opinionated wards unfounded grudge against the pleasant girl who only cared for flowers and songs, he found there was no point in denying that he wasn't exactly fuelled with attraction for Jeyne. She was a fairly pretty girl with her upturned eyelashes complimenting her chartreuse green eyes and sculpted cheekbones and all the roses she decorated hair dancing with but there was nothing that had quite clicked between them in the month that had passed since the Redwyne's arrival. Apart from the conversation they had on the day they first became acquainted, that took a sour turn when he had snubbed Jeyne in his obvious ogling at her sister in the midst of their chat, and a few niceties exchanged when they passed each other by in the halls, they had not even attempted to grow close.

LADY JEYNE ◦ROBB STARKWhere stories live. Discover now